Monday, December 19, 2016

Glam & Fab WeekS (05.12.-18.12.)

visiting Grand Bazaar Istanbul

My oh my! I still haven't decorated my Christmas tree, nor the home, I'm gonna do it tomorrow!:) I've decided to change a bit the colors: until now it was a gold-red theme, and now I'm gonna do everything gold-white! Can't wait to see how the things will turn up! But for now I'm leaving you some photos which I was posting on Instagram over the last two weeks...

Jos nisam ukrasila jelku, niti kucu, ali cu to uraditi sutra!:) Odlucila sam da donekle promenim boje: do sada je bila zlatno-crvena tematika, a sad ce vecina biti zlatno-bela kombinacija! Jedva cekam da vidim kako ce sve ispasti! A za sada vam ostavljam slicice koje sam postavljala u protekle dve nedelje na Instagramu...

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