Friday, December 2, 2016

APIVITA: Natural serum- Radiance! Working on my skin's glow!

APIVITA Natural serum Radiance with bilberry and vitamin c.Best serums for radiant glowy skin.

After the age of 30, when it comes to the skincare, girls/women start to use the products that clearly say "fight" against: aging and wrinkles, which is ultimately the same thing 'cause it all comes down to the fight against something that is natural (because aging is a natural process, no matter how much we don't like it). Anyway I passed that famous "30", but what I have been focused on over the past few months is not a fight against the aging but achieving a certain level of radiance and luminosity! So my evening routine includes skincare products which are deeply nourishing, and my morning routine must contain at least one product with vitamin C or some similar ingredient that awakens the skin and enhances its natural glow...

Nakon 30-te godine zivota, kada je nega koze u pitanju, devojke/zene se okrecu proizvodima koji imaju za cilj "borbu": protiv starenja i protiv bora, sto je na kraju krajeva i isto jer se svodi na borbu protiv onoga sto je prirodno (jer starenje jeste prirodan proces, koliko god da se to ni meni ni vama ne dopada). Elem ja jesam presla tu famoznu 30-tu ali ono na sta sam ja bila usmerena tokom poslednjih nekoliko meseci nije borba protiv starenja vec postizanje viseg nivoa blistavosti i sjaja koze! Tako da moja vecernja rutina podrazumeva proizvode za negu koze koji povecavaju hranljivost koze, a jutarnja rutina obavezno sadrzi barem jedan proizvod sa vitaminom C ili nekim slicnim sastojkom koji budi kozu i povecava njen prirodni sjaj...

Apivita serum λάμψης με μύρτιλλο & βιταμίνη C

What I currently use in the morning, after cleansing the face and before applying a day cream, is Apivita's "Natural Serum- Radiance" with vitamin C and bilberry. Apivita is the famous Greek brand whose products I have tried in the past, and there are four types of "Natural serum": Radiance, Hydration, Lifting and Anti-wrinkle. This particular serum reduces the appearance of tired skin and improves skin's radiance. It contains 96% natural ingredients, among them: propolis, coenzyme Q10, rosehip oil, pomegranate, green tea extract, essential oils of lemon and orange... 
Serum has a white color, refreshing smell, middle thickness of formula, and the skin absorbs it really quickly so I don't need to wait too much before I apply a cream. The only thing that would be nice is (in my opinion) a bit bigger packaging, 'cause this one has 15ml and it won't last not even a full month (and I'm already near the middle of a bottle)...:)

Ono sto ja trenutno koristim ujutru, nakon ciscenja lica i pre nanosenja dnevne kreme, jeste Apivita "Prirodni serum za sjaj" ("Natural serum- Radiance") sa vitaminom C i borovnicom. Apivita je poznati grcki brend cije sam ja proizvode i ranije probala, i postoje cetiri vrste "Prirodnog seruma": Radiance, Hydration, Lifting i Anti-wrinkle. Ovaj serum za sjaj smanjuje umoran izgled koze i povecava blistavost koze. Sadrzi 96% prirodnih sastojaka, izmedju ostalog i: propolis, koenzim Q10, ulje ruze, nar, ekstrakt zelenog caja, esencijalna ulja limuna i narandze... 
Serum je bele boje, osvezavajuceg mirisa, srednje gustine, i koza ga vrlo brzo upije tako da cekam vrlo kratko pre nego sto nanesem kremu. Jedino sto bi mozda bilo lepse, po mom misljenju, jeste malo vece pakovanje, jer ovo od 15ml ne traje ni mesec dana a ja sam vec blizu sredine bocice...:)

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