Monday, October 13, 2014

Ios island :: Random beauty (part 1)

Ios island travel photos

Ios is an island in the Aegean Sea that belongs to the Cyclades, and is located halfway between Naxos and Santorini. It has an area of approximately 109km2, which makes it bigger than Santorini, but not as populated...
As with most Cyclades islands, the main city carries the name Chora. Painted in white, with narrow cobbled streets that have the form of the stairs. A lot of cafes, bars and pubs, restaurants and taverns, some boutiques and souvenir shops. But mostly all work after 6-7pm... why? Because Ios is a "party island", and everything is open till the early (not to say late!) morning hours in peak season. That's why Chora is empty during the day, you don't see any tourists or locals, not a soul, people sleep in their rooms... or they simply decided to continue to party at the beach...

Ios je ostrvo u Egejskom moru koje pripada Kikladima, i nalazi se na pola puta izmedju Naksosa i Santorinija. Povrsine je oko 109km2, sto ga cini vecim od Santorinija, ali ne i naseljenijim...
Kao i kod vecine kikladskih ostrva, glavni grad nosi ime Chora (Hora). Okrecen u belo, sa uskim kaldrmisanim ulicama stepenicaste forme, po kojima su "rasuti" kafici, barovi i pabovi, restorani i taverne, poneki butici i prodavnice suvenira. Ali vecinom sve radi nakon 18-19h... zasto? Zato sto je Ios "ostrvo zabave", i sve je otvoreno do ranih (da ne kazem kasnih!) jutarnjih casova u glavnoj sezoni. Tako da je Hora prazna tokom dana, ne vidite ni turiste ni lokalce, nema zive duse, ljudi spavaju u svojim sobama... ili su prosto odlucili da nastave zabavu na plazi...

Ios island travel photography
Ios island sunset
Ios port
Ios port
Ios luka
Ios island nature
Ios island sunset watching
Ios ostrvo fotografije
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photography of Ios island in Greece
best of ios island, must-see in Ios

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