Mylopotas beach is by far the most famous beach on the whole island of Ios! Many people even consider that it's one of the top 10 beaches in Europe. It is about 1km long and 2km away from the capital Chora. It has the shape of a horseshoe, a delightful sand and crystal clear water.
The beach is well organized from its beginning till the end, with numerous sunbeds and umbrellas. This of course means that you'll find a lot of cafes, bars, taverns and restaurants. One of these places is "Far Out" beach
club which is always crowded since this bar is only a small part
of the whole complex "Far Out" (hotel, hostel, villas, camping...)!
Milopotas plaza je ubedljivo najpoznatija plaza ostrva Ios! Cak je mnogi smatraju i jednom od 10 najboljih plaza Evrope. Duga je oko 1km i udaljena neka 2km od glavnog grada Hore. Ima oblik potkovice, divan pesak i kristalno cistu vodu.
Plaza je odlicno organizovana citavom svojom duzinom, sa bezbroj lezaljki i suncobrana. To naravno znaci da cete ovde naici na brojne kafice, barove, taverne i restorane. Jedno od takvih mesta je i "Far Out" beach club koji je uvek krcat s obzirom da je ovaj bar samo jedan deo citavog kompleksa "Far Out" (hotel, hostel, vile, kamping...)!
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