Tuesday, November 1, 2016

outfit: Navy Pinstripe Cigarette Trousers

Wardrobe basics navy pinstripe cropped cigarette trousers outfit

At some point, maybe 2-3 years ago I stopped wearing pants and jeans. Don't know why but I'm pretty convinced that it was because of the weight of the material and stiffness of the cut: I love light materials as they allow me to move more freely. The situation has fortunately changed this year when I found a few pairs of pants and jeans that successfully "fight" that heavy feeling: although as I said before it also has to do with the fit as well as with the color (very important factor). The example are these dark blue cropped pants which have that classic "cigarette" cut and almost invisible white stripes!

U jednom trenutku, mozda pre 2-3 godine, sam prestala da nosim pantalone i farmerke. Ne znam zasto ali sam prilicno ubedjena da je bilo zbog tezine materijala i krutosti kroja: volim lakse materijale jer dozvoljavaju da se slobodnije krecem. Situacija se srecom promenila ove godine kada sam pronasla nekoliko farmerki i pantalona koje pobedjuju taj "osecaj tezine", mada kao sto rekoh dosta se radi i o kroju kao i o boji (vrlo bitan faktor)! Primer su ove teget pantalone klasicnog "cigaret" kroja sa skoro nevidljivim belim prugicama koje se zavrsavaju iznad clanaka (tzv. "cropped" pantalone)!

Fresh makeup looks.White blazer and top.Beli blejzer.

Must-have cropped pants.Best classic looks.
H&M black sunglasses.
Voi&Noi brown sandals.White and brown handbag.
White linen blazer.Fresh glowy makeup.Svez izgled i sminka.
Greek gold key white rope bracelet.
Occhi Blu cropped pants | white top and blazer | Voi&Noi sandals | H&M sunglasses

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