A few days ago, I shared with you my morning skincare routine. I also mentioned that the evening routine is a little more thorough. In fact, the biggest difference is in the face cleansing: while the morning routine includes one product, the evening includes three! And of course the morning is focused on hydration and evening on regeneration and nutrition. See below all products and steps...
Pre nekoliko dana, podelila sam sa vama jutarnju rutinu nege koze. I spomenula sam da je vecernja rutina malo temeljnija. Zapravo najveca razlika je u ciscenju koze: dok jutarnja ukljucuje jedan proizvod, ova vecernja ukljucuje cak tri! I naravno jutarnja je fokusirana na hidrataciju, a vecernja na regeneraciju i hranljivost. Pogledajte u nastavku sve proizvode i korake...
This step includes three products. Because a single product is not sufficient to remove makeup (although I don't wear layers of makeup every day). Because I like to see that the cotton pad is clean at the end of the process. And
because a good cleansing creates the perfect base for applying the
following skincare products, otherwise it's useless...
Anyway let's get back to these products. First I massage Sephora "Supreme cleansing oil" onto a dry face, with a special focus on the eye area (it
seems to me that only cleansing oils and balms melt the mascara). Then I wet the face, massage it a bit more and rinse with warm water. Then I apply in circular motions L'Oreal "Fine flowers gel-cream wash" and rinse the face. And finally (although it's already quite clear) with a cotton pad soaked with Diadermine "Micellar water" I remove every last trace of dirt and makeup (this also adds a bit of refreshment).
Ovaj korak ukljucuje tri proizvoda. Zato sto mi jedan proizvod nije dovoljan da uklonim sminku (iako ne nosim slojeve sminke svaki dan). Zato sto volim da vidim da je tufer od vate cist na kraju procesa. I zato sto se dobrim ciscenjem stvara savrsena podloga za nanosenje sledecih proizvoda za negu koze, u suprotnom je uzaludno...
Elem da se vratimo na ove proizvode. Prvo na suvo lice umasiram Sephora "Supreme cleansing oil" (ulje za ciscenje) i posebno se fokusiram na podrucje ociju i trepavica (cini mi se da uljani proizvodi jedini tope maskaru). Onda pokvasim lice, pa dodatno umasiram i isperem toplom vodom. Onda utrljam kruznim pokretima L'Oreal "Fine flowers gel-cream wash" (tj. gel-kremu za umivanje) pa isperem vodom. I na kraju (iako je vec prilicno cisto) predjem tuferom natopljenim Diadermine "Micelarnom vodom" da uklonim i svaki poslednji trag, ali i da osvezim lice.
Step 2: SERUM
Applying the serum on a cleansed face is a real pleasure. I must admit that Sephora "Super regenerating oil-serum" is one of the best serums I have
ever used, I always see the difference in the morning.
Also, roughly every fourth day instead of this serum I use Sephora "Renew & peel super serum" with glycolic acid. The skin absorbs it immediately, while with the oil-serum I should wait a little before applying the face cream.
2. korak: SERUM
Na ocisceno lice pravo je zadovoljstvo naneti serum. I moram priznati da je Sephora "Super regenerating oil-serum" ("Regenerisuci serum u ulju") jedan od najboljih koji sam do sada koristila, ujutru uvek vidim razliku.
Takodje otprilike svakog cetvrtog dana, umesto ovog seruma nanesem Sephora "Renew & peel super serum" sa glikolnom kiselinom. Koza ga odmah upije, dok sa uljanim treba sacekati malo pre nanosenja kreme za lice.
Unfortunately, soon I'll be separating my ways with the magical bottle (second one btw) of Premier Dead Sea "Eye Serum". Applying only this serum should be a ritual in itself. I wrote more about it here.
So far, the skin absorbed the oil-serum and it's ready for a night cream. I use Garnier "Miracle sleeping cream", although it's near its end too.
3. korak: ANTIRID
Na svu zalost, zavrsavam sa magicnom bocicom (druga po redu) Premier Dead Sea "Eye serum" seruma za oci. Nanosenje samo ovog seruma bi trebalo da bude ritual po sebi. O njemu sam vise pisala ovde.
Do sada je koza vec upila uljani serum pa je lice spremno za nocnu kremu. Koristim Garnier "Miracle sleeping cream", mada je i ona pri kraju.
This rounds off my nighttime skincare routine. Lip butter is like "the icing on the cake", especially 'cause this "Lip Butter" from The Body Shop smells on coconut!;)
5. korak: PUTER ZA USNE
Ovime zaokruzujem vecernju rutinu nege koze. Puter za usne je kao "slag na tortu", narocito sto ovaj "Lip butter" iz Body Shop-a mirise na kokos!;)
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