During this year it became more clear to me which style I'm gravitating toward when it comes to the home decor. I'm pretty "complex" and
creative person with lots of ideas, and it truly helps me when I have (as much as
possible) simpler and tidier space around me so I could work and
create. Because with that "mess" in my head, having another "mess" outside
makes me even more confused (with accumulated stuff in the house, I have a
feeling that one day something will fall on my head). I
love open spaces, lots of white, more masculine furniture lines, not so many ornaments, chic feminine details, something
like a "modern glamour"... Maybe it's a little hard
to understand, so take a look at my Pinterest
"Dream Home Decor" board.
For example, one of the brands that completely fits my decor style is OLIVER GAL. The brand was founded by two sisters (artists from Florida) that create modern art pieces, mostly on canvas. I really don't know which would be my first choice- fashion themes such as Prada and Chanel, the world map, the golden lips, more abstract themes that resemble marble... So many options, and the assumption is that you have only one home!:)
For example, one of the brands that completely fits my decor style is OLIVER GAL. The brand was founded by two sisters (artists from Florida) that create modern art pieces, mostly on canvas. I really don't know which would be my first choice- fashion themes such as Prada and Chanel, the world map, the golden lips, more abstract themes that resemble marble... So many options, and the assumption is that you have only one home!:)
Tokom ove godine postalo mi je mnogo jasnije ka kom stilu gravitiram kada je dekoracije kuce u pitanju. Ja sam prilicno "kompleksna" i kreativna osoba sa mnostvom ideja, i pomaze mi da oko sebe imam sto je moguce jednostavniji i uredjeniji prostor kako bih mogla da funkcionisem i da stvaram. Jer sa tom "gomilom" u glavi, "gomila" spolja me cini konfuznom (sa nagomilanim stvarima u kuci, imam osecaj da ce mi nesto pasti na glavu jedan dan). Volim otvorene prostore, dosta belog, vise muske linije sto se tice namestaja, ne toliko kitnjastog i ornamenata, sik zenstvene detalje, nesto kao "moderni glamur"... Mozda je malo tesko da razumete, pa ce vam biti jasnije ako bacite pogled na moju Pinterest "Dream Home Decor" inspiraciju.
Evo na primer jedan od brendova koji je bas po mom ukusu je OLIVER GAL. Brend su osnovale dve sestre (umetnice iz Floride) koje stvaraju moderna umetnicka dela, vecinom na kanvasu. Ja recimo ne znam za sta bih se prvo odlucila- za modne teme kao sto su Prada i Chanel, za mapu sveta, za zlatne usne, za abstraktnije teme koje podsecaju na mermer... Opcija je hiljadu, a pretpostavka je da imate jedan dom/kucu/stan!:)
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