Friday, November 17, 2017


72h in ITALY: Trip to GARDA LAKE and SIRMIONE.72h u Italiji, izlet do jezera Garda i Sirmionea. 
The second day in Italy started early again. After the breakfast, we headed to the largest lake in Italy- Garda lake, located at the foot of the Alps. I knew that the lake is pretty, but I didn't know that it keeps another jewel. That jewel is a place called Sirmione... 

Drugi dan u Italiji je opet rano poceo. Nakon dorucka smo se uputili ka najvecem jezeru Italije- jezeru Garda, koje se nalazi u podnozju Alpa. Znala sam da je jezero lepo, ali da cuva jos jedan dragulj nisam znala. Taj dragulj je mesto Sirmione...
Hotel Sirmione Garda lake Italy

Sirmione is a beautiful little place, very picturesque and charming! Colorful facades of the hotels and houses, adorable balconies full of flowers, a bunch of small shops with souvenirs, few modern-type shops, several coffee shops and restaurants that were full of people on that sunny day... And how many places that sell ice-cream, with every possible color and flavor available- you just don't know what to choose!

Sirmione je predivno mestasce, vrlo zivopisno i sarmantno! Sarenolike kuce i fasade hotela, neodoljive terasice pune cveca, nacickane male radnjice sa suvenirima, par radnji modernijeg tipa, nekoliko kafica i restorana koji su tog suncanog dana bili puni ljudi... A koliko je samo mesta gde se prodaje sladoled, sve zive boje i ukusi da prosto ne znate sta da izaberete!

Sirmione cute traditional shops
Home villa of Maria Callas in Sirmione Italy.Kuca Marije Kalas

When you start to stroll the central street, somewhere near its end you'll reach a little mound that leads to the house of the opera singer and diva Maria Callas. Opposite of the house is a park full of greenery where she reportedly spent a lot of time...

Kada krenete da se setate centralnom ulicom, negde pri kraju nailazite na jedno malo uzvisenje koje vodi do kuce operske pevacice i dive Marije Kalas. Preko puta kuce se nalazi i park pun zelenila gde je ona navodno provodila dosta vremena...

Maria Callas park in Sirmione Italy.Park Marije Kalas.
Tradicionalne radnje u Mestu Sirmione u Italiji.
Gaius Valerius Catullus bust sculpture in Sirmione

Several celebrities stayed and temporarily lived in Sirmione. One of them is the Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus, born in Verona, who lived in the first century BC. His family owned a villa in this place, and today there is one sculpture (bust) dedicated to the poet at the beginning of the small harbor.

Nekoliko poznatih licnosti je boravilo i privremeno zivelo u Sirmioneu. Jedan od njih je i rimski pesnik Gaj Valerije Katul, rodom iz Verone, koji je ziveo u prvom veku p.n.e. Njegova porodica je posedovala jednu vilu u ovom mestu. U znak secanja podignut mu je spomenik (bista) na pocetku malog pristanista.

Sirmione travel photos on Garda lake in Italy.
Party travel Italija aranzman, izlet do jezera Garda i Sirmione.
Scaliger fortress in Sirmione Italy.

At the entrance of Sirmione, on the right, there is a high Scaliger fortress. Built in 13th century, it served as a defense against the enemy. We didn't go inside, but I know that in the main part is a small museum that preserves precious local finds dating back to the Roman era.

Na samom ulazu u Sirmione, sa desne strane, se nalazi visoka Skaliger tvrdjava. Sagradjena u 13om veku, sluzila je za odbranu od neprijatelja. Mi nismo usli unutra, ali znam da se u glavnom delu nalazi mali muzej koji cuva dragocene predmete pronadjene na ovoj teritoriji jos iz doba Rimskog carstva.

Best know Italian fortresses.
Scaliger tvrdjava u Italiji na jezeru Garda.
What to see in Sirmione and Garda lake.
Best and most beautiful Garda lake hotels.

We did not stay too long in Sirmione, because we had planned to visit Verona in the afternoon. But those three hours were sufficient to be impressed by all the things we saw. We left Sirmione and Garda lake with beautiful memories...

Nismo se previse zadrzavali u Sirmioneu, jer nas je cekao put i obilazak Verone u popodnevnim casovima. Ali ova tri sata su sasvim dovoljna bila da se odusevimo svime sto smo videli i da nam jezero ostane u dugom i lepom secanju...
Visit Garda lake.Poseta Garda jezeru.
Most famous nad most beautiful lakes in Italy.Najpoznatija i najlepsa jezera u Italiji.
How to spend 72h in ITALY Trip to GARDA LAKE and SIRMIONE

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