Monday, October 30, 2017

Vacation outfit: Multicolored striped maxi dress

H&M strapless multicolored striped maxi dress.H&M visebojna maxi haljina na pruge.

A few days ago, I finally sat down and decided to edit vacation outfit photos. Then I started to feel uncomfortable, couldn't decide about the level of brightness and contrast. Then the voices in my head started: "You should remove silicon straps, they look so ugly!", "Remove those nasty sun spots, you look like a leopard!". I started to feel dizzy and went to do something else. Suddenly it clicked: I wasn't thinking with my own head, these voices weren't my truth. I was thinking first what the others would like, how the others are doing certain things...

Pre par dana sam konacno sela i odlucila da sredim outfit slike sa odmora. Onda sam pocela da se osecam nelagodno, nisam mogla da odlucim o nivou svetlosti i kontrasta. Onda su glasovi u glavi poceli: "Trebalo bi da uklonis silikonske bretele, zaista je ruzno!", "Ukloni ove neprivlacne fleke od sunca, izgledas kao leopard!". Pocelo je da mi se vrti u glavi te sam otisla da radim nesto drugo. I odjednom mi je sinulo: nisam razmisljala svojom glavom, ovi glasovi nisu bili moja istina. Razmisljala sam sta bi se prvo drugima svidelo, kako drugi rade odredjene stvari...

How to wear striped maxi dress.Kako nositi maxi haljinu na pruge.
Multicolored striped maxi dress outfits and looks.

Social media pressure, trying and attempting to be "perfect". For who and why? There is no such thing as perfection, as we all have different perceptions. What is "perfect" for me might not be perfect for you. If you try to create something by thinking what the others would like, you will never ever create anything. And I get it- it's a safe mode, not risking to create or do something, because it's better not to do anything at all than to do something "less than perfect". But you know what? We're only humans after all, not photo-shopped robots!

Pritisak socijalnih medija i mreza, pokusaj da budete "savrseni". Za koga i zasto? Ne postoji takva stvar kao savrsenstvo, jednostavno zato sto svi imamo razlicite percepcije. Sta je "savrseno'" za mene mozda nije i za vas licno. Ako pokusate da stvorite nesto razmisljajuci sta bi se drugima svidelo, nikada nista necete stvoriti. I razumem- to je bezbedan nacin, ne rizikovati da kreirate ili uradite nesto, zato sto je bolje ne uraditi nista nego uraditi "manje od savrsenog"! Ali znate sta? Na kraju svega svi smo mi samo ljudska bica, a ne fotosopovani roboti...

Ios island looks.
H&M multicolored striped maxi dress, vacation outfits.

You know what I did? I left the photos the way I liked them: just enough brightness and contrast, with my silicon straps and sun spots... And not only that, I edited absolutely all outfit photos during the same hour! Just to beat the demons in my head. 'Cause this kind of thinking always results in procrastination. You'll find hundreds of excuses not to do things that might matter to you. Because, just like I said before, it's much safer not to expose yourself out there, the ocean is full of sharks, they will eat you!

Jel' znate sta sam uradila? Ostavila sam slike kakve mi se svidjaju: sa sasvim dovoljno svetlosti i kontrasta, sa silikonskim bretelama i flekama od sunca... I ne samo to, sredila sam kompletno sve outfit slike sa odmora tokom istog sata! Samo da pobedim demone u glavi. Zato sto ovakav nacin razmisljanja uvek rezultira odlaganjem necega. Nacicete stotinu razloga samo da ne biste uradili nesto sto vam je mozda zaista bitno. Zato sto je, kao sto sam vec rekla, bezbednije ne izloziti se uopste, okean je pun ajkula, pojesce vas!

Fullag Sugah orange chain purse.Narandzasta torbica.
What to wear in Greek islands.Sta nositi na grckim ostrvima.

And at the end let's address these "voices". Yes I have a skin issue, for quite some time. I went to a dermatologist and I'm taking therapy now. Yes I was wearing silicon straps because I forgot strapless bra at home (it was a holiday, I was allowed to forget things). That's the whole truth... I am not a perfect woman, never was and never will be. I never tried to "sell" myself as that. I have good sides and I have flaws. The only thing that I can do is to strive to become the best version of myself. Only like that I can add some value...

I na kraju, hajde da se osvrnemo na "glasove". Da, imam odredjeno kozno oboljenje, vec neko vreme. Otisla sam kod dermatologa, i vec mesec dana sam pod terapijom. Da, nosila sam silikonske bretele zato sto sam zaboravila brushalter bez bretela kuci (odmor je u pitanju, tako da mi je dozvoljeno da zaboravim stvari). To je cela istina... Nisam savrsena zena, nikada nisam bila i nikada necu biti. Nikada nisam ni pokusala da "prodam" sebe kao takvu. Imam dobre strane i imam mane. Jedina stvar koju mogu da uradim jeste da postanem najbolja verzija same sebe. Jedino tako mogu dodati vrednost... 

Best vacation outfits and looks.Najbolji outfiti za godisnji odmor.
Fullah Sugah purse,Voi&Noi brown sandals.
Creativity killers: overthinking and overanalyzing.Ubice kreativnosti: preterano razmisljanje i analiziranje.
H&M dress, earrings and bangles | leather sandals | Fullah Sugah purse

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