Thursday, October 26, 2017

IOS hot spot: EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant

Best of Ios island, best Ios clubs and restaurant, best Ios party spots

The best thing about being on a holiday in the off-season? You're gonna have so many things only for yourself (ok sometimes you'll need to wake up earlier, lol)!;) Take my example: we had this pool only for ourselves for more than one hour, before other people started to come. Pure magic! The same pool that was overcrowded during the summer season! And it's a super trendy spot in Ios, as "EREGO beach club & restaurant" was opened this summer, and everybody told us we must go there! So we went, we "conquered" and we came back to our hotel! Mission accomplished, everybody satisfied!

Najbolja stvar kada ste na odmoru u van-sezoni? Imacete toliko stvari na raspolaganju samo za vas (ok to ponekad ukljucuje i rano budjenje, haha)!;) Evo vam moj primer: imali smo ovaj bazen samo za nas vise od sat vremena, pre nego sto su drugi poceli da dolaze. Cista magija! Isti bazen koji je bio svakodnevno krcat tokom glavne sezone. Zato sto je "EREGO beach club & restaurant" otvoren ovog leta, te je brzo postao trendi lokacija na Ios ostrvu i svi su nam rekli da mooooramo otici. Otisli smo, "osvojili" mesto i vratili se u nas hotel. Misija uspesno obavljena, svi zadovoljni!

EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant Ios pool photos
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant Ios,best party places and clubs.
Sta videti i gde otici na Ios ostrvu.
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant drinks and cocktails.
What to see in Ios.Summer hot spots in Ios.
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant beach palms.

"EREGO beach club & restaurant" has its own beach. With imported palms. Looking really cool. I love their white beach beds. They asked us to pay 30 euros for 2 persons plus drinks. You couldn't swim because it was super windy at Koumbara beach. So we would pay for the view. A bit too much for the off-season, if you ask me. We went back to the pool. Such an easy decision, right?;)

"EREGO beach club & restaurant" ima svoju plazu. Sa uvezenim palmama. Stvarno cool izgleda. Svidele su mi se njihove bele lezaljke. Trazili su nam 30 evra za 2 osobe plus pice. Niste mogli da plivate tog dana jer je bilo zaista vetrovito na Koumbara plazi. Tako da bismo platili pogled. Malo previse za vansezonu po mom misljenju. Otisli smo nazad do bazena. Laka odluka, zar ne?;)

EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant photos.
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant Ios summer 2017 2018
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant beach sun beds.
EREGO Beach klub i restoran na Ios ostrvu.
Best clubs in Ios.Najbolji klubovi na Iosu.
EREGO Beach Club and Restaurant Ios infinite pool.
female travel blogger, female traveling

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