This cream is a real luxury for the skin! Avon definitely has great things in their "Planet Spa" line, and one of them is a Silky body souffle with African shea-butter and chocolate! Shea-butter deeply nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Chocolate,
or cocoa extract, awakens all your senses as it stimulates the satisfaction and
ultimate pleasure in the moments when you apply the cream to your skin (well at least such an
impact it has on me!)! In addition to these two ingredients it contains as well the macadamia and sesame oils. Slightly foamy texture allows easy application and smudging. In one word: 200ml of a yummy-yummy product which will tickle your hedonistic side!
Ova krema je pravi luksuz za kozu! Avon definitivno ima super stvari u svojoj "Planet Spa" liniji, a jedna od njih je i Svilenkasti body souffle sa africkim shea-puterom i cokoladom!
Shea-puter dubinski hrani kozu cineci je mekom i glatkom. Cokolada, odnosno ekstrakt kakaa, budi sva vasa cula stimulisuci zadovoljstvo i vrhunski uzitak dok nanosite kremu na vasu kozu (barem takav uticaj ima na mene!)! Pored ova dva sastojka sadrzi i dodatna ulja makadamije i susama. Pomalo penusava tekstura omogucava lako nanosenje i razmazivanje. Jednom recju: 200gr njami-njami proizvoda koji ce zagolicati vasu hedonisticku stranu!
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