Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Avon Planet Spa: African shea-butter nourishing face mask

Avon Planet Spa African shea-butter nourishing face mask

Another beneficial thing for my face is coming from Avon's "Planet Spa" line. Nourishing Mask with African shea-butter is a product that I often use these days. Especially after a long trip, climate changes, longer flights, in fact in all situations when my skin needs extra care as it becomes dehydrated and somehow grayish...

Jos jedna blagodet za moje lice stize iz Avonove "Planet Spa" linije. Hranljiva maska za lice sa africkim shea-puterom je proizvod koji cesto koristim ovih dana. Narocito nakon duzih putovanja, promene klimatske sredine, duzih letova, zapravo u svim situacijama kada je mojoj kozi potrebna ekstra nega jer postaje dehidrirana i nekako sivkasta...

Avon planet spa face masks

How to use // Nacin koriscenja

The application process is usual. On the clean skin (as always I love to do a peeling first) apply the mask in a rich layer. Allow to dry for no longer than 15 minutes (otherwise you will have problems when removing). After this time, rinse it with warm water. I would also recommend the use of some make-up remover that will thoroughly remove the slightly bitter filter that can remain on the skin...

Proces nanosenja je uobicajen. Na ociscenu kozu (kao i uvek ja prethodno volim da uradim piling lica) naneti masku u bogatom sloju. Ostaviti je da deluje ne duze od 15 minuta (u suprotnom cete imati problema prilikom uklanjanja). Nakon tog vremena isprati je toplom vodom. Ja bih preporucila i koriscenje nekog sredstva za skidanje sminke koji ce detaljno ukloniti pomalo gorak filter koji moze ostati na kozi...

Avon planet spa Hranljiva maska za lice sa africkim shea-puterom


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