Friday, May 9, 2014

One day on Corfu island (part III)

Corfu island trip

It's time for another travel post! Surely you already know the traveling is a great and important part of my life (that's why I studied tourism although I don't work in that field, at least not directly!), and therefore it's also an integral part of the content of my dear blog where I so happily share all the things with you! And since we speak about that, exactly today I have to travel again and to change two flights!:) Anyways there are still some remaining pics from Corfu that I haven't shared and to leave them for "my eyes" only- it would be a sin! I know it looks like I spent a week on Corfu island if judging by the number of photos, but the reality is that it was only one whole day!
If you missed previous posts from Corfu, here are the links: post 1 and post 2!

Vreme je za jos jedan "travel post"! Sigurno vec znate da su putovanja veliki i bitan deo mog zivota (zato sam i studirala turizam iako ne radim u toj struci, barem ne direktno!), a samim tim i sastavni deo sadrzaja ovog mog blogica na kojem tako rado delim stvari sa vama! I evo upravo danas ponovo putujem i menjam dva leta!:) Elem ostale su mi jos neke slike sa Krfa koje nisam podelila a ostaviti ih samo za "moje oci" bi bio greh! Znam da vam izgleda kao da sam provela nedelju dana na Krfu ako je sudeci po broju fotografija, iako je u pitanju zaista bio samo jedan celi dan!
Ako ste preskocili prethodne postove sa Krfa, evo linkova: post 1 i post 2!!

Corfu island nature
Krf ostrvo priroda
Corfu island photos of beautiful nature
Corfu island sea
Corfu Palace hotel
Corfu view from ferryboat
view from the ferryboat 
pogled sa trajekta
Krf put trajektom
Paleokastritsa Corfu
Corfu sunny weather
Corfu Palace hotel na Krfu
Corfu Palace hotel

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