Friday, August 8, 2014

Trip around Skiathos: Tsougkria island

Trip around Skiathos: Tsougkria island

Today we're finishing our small tour around the island Skiathos by boat, as this is our last stop! Although I stayed only 4 days on this island, it certainly seems like I stayed one month if judging by the number of photos and posts I've prepared for you!:D Organization is a miracle, but let's go back to our trip...
Tsougkria island is an abandoned island, which administratively belongs to Skiathos, and therefore to the Sporades. Lush greenery, wild untouched nature, beautiful beaches, crystal clear turquoise water are the main "culprits" why Tsougkria (although without inhabitants) is extremely popular during the summer season! It has one small beach bar covered with reeds, where you can find refreshment from the heat and regain strength after long swimming and sunbathing, 'cause honestly speaking- these are the only options on the island! And quite sufficient!

Danas zavrsavamo nasu malu turu oko ostrva Skijatos brodicem, a ovo je nasa poslednja stanica! Iako sam na ostrvu boravila samo 4 dana, sigurno izgleda kao da sam ostala mesec dana, ako je sudeci prema broju fotografija i postova koje sam spremila za vas!:D Organizacija je cudo, ali hajde da se sada vratimo nasem putovanju...
Tsougkria ostrvo je napusteno ostrvo koje administrativno pripada Skijatosu, a samim tim i Sporadima. Bogatstvo zelenila, divlja netaknuta priroda, lepe plaze, kristalno cista tirkizna voda, glavni su "krivci" zasto je Tsougkria (iako bez stanovnika) izuzetno posecena tokom letnje sezone! Na plazi postoji jedan manji bar natkriven trskom, gde mozete pronaci osvezenje od vrucina i povratiti snagu nakon dugotrajnog kupanja i suncanja, jer ako cemo iskreno- to su jedine opcije na ovom ostrvu! I sasvim dovoljne!

Put oko ostrva Skijatos, Tsougkria ostrvo
Tsougkria island trips
Tsougkria island nature
Skiathos excursions

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