Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fighting winter blues with summer pics from Paros!

Paros island beauty

I know Christmas is in two days, New Year's Eve is next week, but I hate cold weather that inevitably comes with these beautiful celebrating days which I adore (contradictory I know!)! I miss summer, I miss warm sun, I miss sea, I miss that every winter! So if you've been following my blog for some time you know how I fight it (for years)- by posting summer photos on the blog! It definitely helps me, because these pictures make me happy! I once read that you can fight the winter blues and depression by using the blue light. And there's so much "blue" in these photos from Paros!

Znam da je (katolicki) Bozic za dva dana, Novogodisnja proslava sledece nedelje, ali ja mrzim hladno vreme koje neizbezno dolazi sa ovim predivnim slavljenickim danima koje zapravo obozavam (kontradiktorna misao, znam)! Nedostaje mi leto, nedostaje mi toplo sunce, nedostaje mi more, sve ovo mi nedostaje svake zime! Ako pratite moj blog duze vreme, znate kako se ja borim sa ovim (godinama)- postavljajuci letnje slike na blogu! To mi definitivno pomaze, jer me ove slike cine srecnom! Jednom sam procitala da mozete pobedite zimsku depresiju koristeci plavu svetlost. A toliko je "plavetnila" na ovim slikama sa Parosa!

What to see in Paros
Paros island travel guide
Ostrvo Paros Grcka
Paros island photos of the nature
Fighting winter blues and depression
Kako pobediti zimsku depresiju
Paros ostrvo slike prirode

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