Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas & New Year's Eve Home Decoration

Red and gold Christmas decoration and Christmas tree

First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful time these days, surrounded by your loved ones! I wasn't posting anything on the blog these two or three days because I was barely at home! First it took me one whole afternoon to pull out the Christmas and New Year decoration (in translation: two full boxes), and to decorate the tree and the house. And when I finished that, I was out all day every day! Anyway here's how our Christmas tree looks like this year, very much like the last three years, but I don't change our gold-and-red theme, it's my favorite festive combination!! 

Pre svega Srecan Bozic svima koji su slavili prethodnih dana! Nadam se da se divno provodite ovih dana, okruzeni voljenim osobama! Nije me bilo ova dva-tri dana na blogu jer sam vrlo malo i bila kuci! Prvo mi je jedno citavo popodne trebalo da izvadim Bozicno-Novogodisnju dekoraciju iz kutija, da ukrasim jelku i kucu. A kad sam to zavrsila, bila sam van kuce po citav dan! Elem evo kako izgleda jelka ove godine, vrlo slicno kao i protekle tri godine, ali ja ne menjam nasu zlatno-crvenu tematiku ni za sta, to mi je omiljena praznicna kombinacija!!

Red and gold Christmas decoraton
Christmas Home Decoration
gold Christmas & New Year's Eve Home Decoration
gold Christmas home decoration
Crveno-zlatna novogodisnja dekoracija
Crveno-zlatna bozicna dekoracija
Red and gold Christmas decor

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