I'm back from Warsaw!! We went there on Friday, and we returned to Greece on Monday. We participated in the exhibition called "Grecka Panorama" (11.12.-13.12.), but unfortunately I barely got to see the city! Anyway the last day, three of us grabbed one hour to go to the center of Warsaw. We went straight to "The Palace of Culture and Science" which is the tallest building in Poland, and whose construction was completed in 1955! On
the 30th floor (I could not believe how fast the elevator goes!!) and at a
height of 114m there is an open terrace and from there you can see entire Warsaw!! That day was terribly windy and rainy, but it was sooooo worth to go! Here are some pictures that I quickly took, because the wind gave me so much trouble!
Vratila sam se iz Varsave!! Otisli smo tamo u petak, i vratili smo se u Grcku u ponedeljak. Ucestvovali smo na izlozbi koja se zove "Grecka Panorama" (11.12.-13.12.), ali na svu zalost vrlo malo sam stigla da vidim grad! Elem zadnji dan, nas tri devojke smo ugrabile sat i po vremena, i skoknule do centra Varsave. Otisle smo pravo do "Palate kulture i nauke" koja je najvisa zgrada u Poljskoj, i cija je izgradnja zavrsena 1955.! Na 30-om spratu (nisam mogla da verujem koliko je lift brz!!) i na visini od 114m postoji otvorena terasa sa koje se pruza neverovatan pogled na citavu Varsavu!! Taj dan je bilo uzasno vetrovito, i kisovito, ali je vredelo otici! Evo nekih slika koje sam na brzinu uslikala, jer mi je vetar zadavao prave muke!
beautiful town