Friday, November 13, 2015

Agia Theodoti beach | Best Ios beaches

Agia Theodoti beach Ios island

Agia Theodoti is the beach on Ios island, which we skipped to see last summer, so logically it was the first one we visited this year! The beach is large, beautiful, quiet, perfect for relaxation, both during the summer season as well as in the off-season. Water is clean and often "restless". Sand is golden yellow, but when you enter the water you can see it's mixed with some sweet flat pebbles. This beach is located on the eastern part of Ios, some 10 km from Chora, and till a certain part you follow the same road that leads to Manganari beach. The beach is named after the small church of Agia Theodoti which is located nearby...

Agia Theodoti je plaza na Ios ostrvu, koju proslog leta nismo uspeli da vidimo, tako da je logicno bila prva koju smo obisli ove godine! Plaza je velika, lepa, mirna, odlicna za relaksaciju, i u toku i van sezone. Voda je cista i cesto nemirna. Pesak je zlatno zut i pri ulasku u vodu pomesan za slatkim pljosnatim kamenim oblucima. Nalazi se na istocnom delu Iosa, nekih 10-tak km od Hore, i do odredjenog dela se ide istim putem kojim se ide i do Manganari plaze. Inace sama plaza je dobila ime po maloj crkvi Agia Theodoti koja se nalazi u blizini...

Agia Theodoti beach
Best Ios island beaches
What to see in Ios
Agia Theodoti organized beach
Agia Theodoti paralia
Ios ostrvo najlepse organizovane plazeBest organized Ios beaches
Ios island travel guide

1 comment

  1. Its looks like such a peaceful place...for me the perfect spot to have a house nearby...I´m not fond of really crowded beaches..I live in a very hectic city so for me is more about the really really relaxing place and this just fits the description.



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