Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How I prepared my skin for the cold weather!

How to prepare the skin for the cold weather

When a cold period comes, which means fall and winter, my skin (especially face skin) changes: it becomes drier and more sensitive, and it needs a richer skincare. So for me it's important to start with the proper skincare from the very beginning (immediately after the summer and our vacation), in order to prepare the skin for the autumn and winter days. Here are three products for the face and body that I was using during the month of October!

Kada nastupi hladan period, tj. tokom jeseni i zime, moja koza (narocito lica) se menja: postaje suvlja i osetljivija, i potrebna joj je bogatija nega. Zato mi je bitno da od samog pocetka (odmah nakon leta i godisnjeg odmora) zapocnem sa pravilnom negom, kako bih kozu pripremila za jesenje i zimske dane. Evo tri proizvoda za negu koze lica i tela koja sam koristila tokom oktobra meseca!

Garnier Oil beauty scrub/piling za telo

GARNIER "Oil Beauty body scrub"

This body scrub I used even before the summer holidays, in order to remove all dead skin cells and prepare the skin for a summer tan! Garnier's "Oil Beauty body scrub" contains four precious oils: argan, macadamia, almond and rose. It has beautiful smell, and jelly-like texture with tiny dark brown exfoliating particles. It is particularly suitable for dry and dull skin!

Ovaj piling za telo sam koristila cak i pre godisnjeg odmora, kako bih uklonila sve mrtve celije sa koze i pripremila je za osuncani letnji ten! Garnier "Oil beauty piling za telo" sadrzi 4 dragocena ulja: argan, makadamija, badem i ruza. Divnog je mirisa, teksture gela sa sitnim tamno braon zrncima. Narocito je pogodan za suvu i umornu kozu!

Balea Vital lift concentrate capsules/koncentrat kapsule

BALEA "Vital lift concentrate capsules"

Although I've tried almost all types of Balea "capsules" (such as these ones), "Vital" are definitely my favorites (I bought them 4-5 times so far!). Of course I don't use them often, maybe three times a year, because they are intended for the mature skin. But their oily texture is simply fascinating, and I enjoy so much applying them to my face!
Balea's "Vital lift concentrate capsules" (package has the usual 7 capsules) contain argan oil, vitamin E, as well as extracts of two plants with the "odd" names- quillaja and acmella oleracea! All these ingredients make the skin look fresher and more elastic, and of course (as they are intended for mature skin) have impact on reducing wrinkles. I usually apply them at night on the cleansed skin, as a classical serum, and before a night cream!

Iako sam probala skoro sve vrste Balea "kapsula" (kao sto su ove), "Vital" su mi definitivno omiljene (sigurno sam ih 4-5 puta do sada kupila!). Naravno ne koristim ih cesto, mozda tri puta godisnje, jer su namenjene zreloj kozi. Ali njihova uljana tekstura je prosto ocaravajuca, i za mene je pravo uzivanje da ih nanosim na kozu lica!
Balea "Vital lift koncentrat kapsule" (pakovanje ima uobicajenih 7 kapsula) sadrze arganovo ulje, vitamin E, kao i ekstrakte dve biljke sa "cudnim" nazivom- quillaja i acmella oleracea! Svi ovi sastojci cine da koza izgleda svezije i elasticnije, i naravno (s obzirom da su namenjeni zreloj kozi) uticu i na redukovanje bora. Ja ih obicno nanosim uvece na ociscenu kozu, kao klasicni serum tj. pre upotrebe nocne kreme!

Balea Enzyme peeling/enzim piling

BALEA "Enzyme peeling"

This is actually a 2-in-1 product: scrub and mask. Creamy texture, very pleasant smell, and it doesn't contain exfoliating particles. The basic ingredients are aloe vera and papaya enzyme which favorably affect the skin, leaving it softer and smoother. Enzyme peelings are very popular all over the world because they are a lot more gentle than ordinary peels (as well as chemical peels) and only remove dead skin cells without damaging the healthy epidermis.
How to use Balea's "Enzyme peeling"? Clean the face, and then in circular motions apply the peeling on the face and neck. Leave a maximum of 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. 

Ovo je zapravo 2-u-1 proizvod: piling i maska. Kremaste je teksture, vrlo prijatnog mirisa, i ne sadrzi piling zrnca. Osnovni sastojci su aloja vera i enzim papaje koji povoljnu uticu na kozu cineci je meksom i glatkijom. Enzimski pilinzi su trenutno hit svuda u svetu jer su: mnogo blazi od obicnih pilinga (kao i hemijskog pilinga) i uklanjaju samo mrtve celije sa koze bez ostecenja zdravog epiderma.
Kako koristiti Balea "Enzim piling"? Ocistite kozu lica, i potom kruznim pokretima nanesite piling na kozu lica i vrata. Ostavite maksimum 5 minuta i detaljno isperite toplom vodom.

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