You saw in one of the previous posts how the hotel pool at "Liostasi" looks like. Back then I promised to show you also the pictures of the hotel bar located by the pool...
The bar is open from early morning until late evening hours, both for hotel guests and for all other visitors. You can use chic sunbeds, sit on high bar chairs, chill out on a big puffy
pillows or wait for the sunset on the wooden chairs that are facing the sea. And
all this while sipping refreshingly cold frape and homemade lemonade, or enjoying a glass of quality wine and one of the many creative cocktails
such as "Pina con ron" or "Bitter water sour"...
Videli ste u jednom od prethodnih postova kako izgleda bazen "Liostasi" hotela. Tada sam obecala da cu vam pokazati i slike hotelskog bara koji se nalazi pored bazena...
Bar je otvoren od ranog prepodneva pa sve do kasnih vecernjih casova, kako za goste hotela tako i za sve ostale posetioce. Mozete lezati na lezaljkama, sedeti na visokim stolicama bara, izlezavati se na velikim pufnastim jastucima ili cekati zalazak sunca na drvenim stolicama koje su okrenute ka moru. I sve to dok pijuckate osvezavajuce hladan frape i domacu limunadu, ili uzivate u casi kvalitetnog vina i nekom od brojnih kreativnih koktela kao sto je "Pina con ron" ili "Bitter water sour"...
How nice pics :)
ReplyDeleteThank you dear!!
Deletethis hotel is fab
ReplyDeleteMust to agree with you!;)