Oia is a place in Santorini that I really love! Although
the pedestrian zone has a peaceful character (despite the large number of
people walking every night) than the one in the capital city, it still carries a
specific note of sophistication and elegance. A lot of jewelry stores (where I always stop to admire),
souvenir shops, a few fashion boutiques, a couple of
galleries, restaurants and taverns that were surprisingly crowded this year in the month of
But for me the people, in this case tourists, give a special touch to any place. By now I'm used to see the people who walk the streets of Santorini smiling, in a good and friendly mood, with fine manners. But this year the situation was completely different. Instead of friendly smiles a couple of tourists even pushed me because nobody is looking where is going, nor they care. The profile of people who are visiting the island has changed, and I do not know how good it is. But for me Oia will always be beautiful, as such I want to remember it, especially at night, while resting under the moonlight...
Oia je mesto na Santoriniju koje ja stvarno volim! Iako je setalisna zona mirnijeg karaktera (i pored velikog broja ljudi koji svako vece setaju) nego ona u glavnom gradu, ipak nosi jednu specificnu notu sofisticiranosti i elegancije. Puno zlatara i radnji sa nakitom pred kojima ja uvek zastanem, prodavnice suvenira, nekoliko butika za ljubitelje mode, par galerija, restorani i taverne koje su ove godine u septembru mesecu zacudjujuce krcate bile...
Ali po meni ljudi, u ovom slucaju turisti, daju poseban pecat svakom turistickom mestu. Do sada sam navikla da su ljudi koji setaju ulicama Santorinija nasmejani, u dobrom raspolozenju, ljubazni i sa finim manirima. Medjutim ove godine je situacija bila potpuno drugacija. Umesto ljubaznog osmeha par turista me je cak i gurnulo jer niko ne gleda kuda ide, niti ih je briga. Profil ljudi koji posecuju ostrvo se promenio, i ne znam koliko je to dobro. Ali meni ce Oia uvek biti lepa jer takvu zelim da je pamtim, narocito nocu, dok odmara obasjana mesecinom...
amazing jewels