Mylopotas beach (see here) is approximately 5 minutes away from the hotel
where we were staying, so one night instead of the usual walk
around Ios town, we spontaneously decided to have a drink at some bar/cafe on the
beach and to see how the whole bay looks like at night. Given
that everything was half empty, just when we thought to return to
our hotel, we saw some dimmed pink lights at the beginning of the bay. The lights were coming from "Ios Palace hotel & spa", a luxury boutique hotel with 4 stars, actually from "Margarita bar" which is a part of this hotel.
Milopotas plaza (pogledajte ovde) se nalazi na nekih 5min od hotela u kojem smo mi odseli, te smo jedno vece umesto uobicajene setnje gradom spontano odlucili da popijemo pice u nekom baru/kaficu na ovoj plazi i da vidimo kako citav zaliv izgleda uvece. S obzirom da je sve bilo poluprazno, taman kad smo pomislili da se vratimo u nas hotel videli smo neka prigusena ruzicasta svetla na samom pocetku zaliva. Svetla su dopirala iz "Ios Palace hotel & spa", luksuznog boutique hotela sa 4 zvezdice, zapravo iz "Margarita bara" koji je deo ovog hotela.
The pool bar looks pretty cool!