Aphrodite, Athena, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Artemis... Isn't the term "Greek goddess" completely inspiring?! On the other hand it's believed that every girl/woman, has its own "inner goddess". Something
that represents the ideal and the essence of her feminine personality;
the source of her inner power; a symbol of light and life, love and
creation; something that emerges in the moments when she's not wearing the masks and
armors she has built over the years (for 1000 personal reasons, and
sorry to say this- excuses)...
Afrodita, Atina, Hera, Demetra, Persefona, Artemida... Nije li pojam "grcke boginje" sam po sebi inspirativan?! S druge strane smatra se da svaka devojka/zena u sebi, ima i svoju "unutrasnju boginju". Nesto sto predstavlja ideal i esenciju njene zenske licnosti; izvor njene unutrasnje moci; simbol svetlosti i zivota, ljubavi i kreacije; ono sto ispliva u trenucima kada ona ne nosi maske i oklope koje je godinama vredno gradila (iz 1000 licnih razloga, i zao mi je sto cu ovo reci- izgovora)...
Now concerning me, I don't know whether it is due
to the fact that I live in Greece, but from time to time (especially in the summer!) I simply adore channeling my inner Greek goddess by wearing the clothes that resemble the ancient times. Something in the form of swaying toga or any loose fitting form, leather footwear like gladiator sandals, metallic statement jewelry, braids in the hair, bronze makeup... Here is one such moment, from the holiday (in Ios), when I wore dark green (something between olive and emerald)
Lynne pieces that look like a set: maxi skirt and chiffon top...
Elem sto se mene tice, ne znam da li je zbog cinjenice sto zivim u
Grckoj, ali toliko me privlaci da s vremena na vreme (a narocito leti!)
"kanalisem" svoju unutrasnju grcku boginju noseci odecu koja asocira na
davna anticka vremena. Nesto sto podseca na leprsave toge, kozna obuca
sa brojnim trakicama tipa rimljanke/gladijatorke, nakit od kovanog
metala, pletenice u kosi, bronzana sminka... Evo jednog takvog trenutka,
sa letnjeg odmora, kada sam nosila tamno zelenu (nesto izmedju
maslinaste i smaragdne) Lynne odecu koja izgleda kao set: maxi suknja i top od sifona...
Lynne maxi skirt | Lynne chiffon top | Voi&Noi sandals
So beautiful...love how the dress just flows...that´s how you do greek goddess.
You are certainly a goddess, and your beauty is divine. I adore this top, the skirt, and those sandals. You have a charming smile and a nice hairstyle also. Looking as wonderful as ever.