Saturday, October 24, 2015

3/4 trend: Asymmetric culottes + Denim top

Outfit: Asymmetric navy culottes and denim top

The weather suddenly started to be "bad"- you know rains, winds, humidity, well ordinary fall days (I swear I could love the autumn if it wasn't for the rain!). And I still haven't pulled my fall/winter clothes because I need one full day for that... 
So here's one look from the sunny transitional period. These asymmetric navy culottes I got way before the whole "culottes trend" started. And denim top is also an old resident of my closet, just because good denim things are always stylish...

Vreme je iznenada pocelo da bude "lose"- znate vec- kise, vetrovi, vlaznost, pa uobicajeni jesenji dani (kunem se da bih mogla voleti jesen da nije kisa!). A ja jos uvek nisam izvukla garderobu za jesen/zimu, zato sto mi treba citav dan za taj poduhvat...
Evo jednog outfita iz suncanog prelaznog perioda. Ove asimetricne 3/4 pantalone sam uzela mnogo pre nego sto je citav "culottes trend" zapoceo. A denim top je takodje stari stanovnik mog ormana, samo zato sto dobre stvari od dzinsa uvek izgledaju stylish...

how to wear culottes trend
H&M purse,Silver greek key meander rings and bracelet
White strappy sandals
Legend bluza od dzinsa
Silver greek key meander rings with lapis lazuli stone
asymmetric culottes | Legend denim top | white sandals | H&M purse and sunglasses | silver rings


  1. Pretty chic. I like these culottes along with this denim shirt and those sandals. Quite fabulous here. By the way, I adore most culotte pants for their skirt-like appearance and flow. Almost like cropped palazzo pants especially with the more chic culotte pants and culotte jumpsuits.


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