White color combined with the neutrals (like tan, nude, beige, blush...) looks clean, crisp, fresh and really radiant! This became one of my favorite "color combinations", and I've started to immensely enjoy wearing all the mentioned colors- they bring me so much joy, clarity and good energy!
Bela boja ukombinovana sa neutralnim nijansama (kao sto su: bez, tzv. "nude", boja peska, boja breskve i sl.) izgleda cisto, sveze i vrlo blistavo! Ovo je postala jedna od mojih omiljenih kombinacija kada se radi o bojama, i pocela sam da izuzetno uzivam noseci sve pomenute nijanse jer mi donose radost, bistrinu i dobru energiju!
Terranova shirt | Sasch skirt | Fullah Sugah tote | Alexander Krist heels
If there is a color combination that energizes you, it HAS to be good, right? Having said that, this is a great outfit here. I do recall the handbag and sandals featured either here on "Glam Fab Happy" or in social media. They are great compliments to this shirt and this skirt. Classy sweet style I'd say.