Friday, October 14, 2016

outfit: Weekend Max Mara striped shirt

Best day chic and office job looks and outfits with pencil skirt and striped shirt

Here's one outfit which I haven't share, and judging by my tan color you clearly understand that this is "pre-holiday" look!:) I was really eager to wear Weekend Max Mara's white and blue striped shirt with cute little ruffles in the upper part. I found this lovely sleeveless shirt at the beginning of September (almost end of summer) so I wasn't able to wear it as much as I wanted. But I'm super happy to have in my closet another classic piece, which I believe will be stylish and chic- well let's say forever!

Evo jednog outfita koji nisam podelila, i sudeci po mom tenu verujem da jasno shvatate da je ovo "look-pre-odmora"!:) Bila sam toliko zeljna da nosim Weekend Max Mara belo-plavu kosuljicu na pruge sa slatkim sicusnim volanima u gornjem delu. Ovu kosulju bez rukava sam nasla pocetkom septembra tako da nisam stigla da je "posteno" iznosim. Ipak srecna sam sto u ormanu imam jos jedan klasican komad koji ce verujem biti stylish i chic jos puno puno godina!

Weekend Max Mara white-blue striped shirt with ruffles
white-blue striped shirt, navy skirt, navy purse, white sandals
H&M black sunglasses
najbolje odevne kombinacije za posao sa teget suknjom i kosuljom na pruge
Stradivarius navy purse with decorative gold circle
Weekend Max Mara shirt | Sasch skirt | Stradivarius purse | H&M sunglasses

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