Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Glam & Fab Week (26.09.-02.10.)

Best summer holiday looks with cute printed mini dresses

Morning morning! Sorry for being absent for a few days, but I didn't have so much energy (nor will) to spend the time in front of pc... I needed some time to clear my mind a bit, and I think it's quite healthy to take a break from time to time. Anyway here are some Instagram pieces of the previous week!

Jutro jutro! Izvinjavam se sto sam bila odsutna par dana, ali nisam imala energije (niti volje) da provodim vreme pred ekranom... Bilo mi je potrebno malo vremena da rascistim misli, i smatram da je vrlo zdravo "napraviti pauzu" s vremena na vreme. Elem evo nekih Instagram delova protekle nedelje!

Best Dove body skincare products deo-spray and shower baths
preparing "winter stock" of Dove products :D
spremam "zimske rezerve" Dove proizvoda :D
pretty light photos of Naoussa village Paros island
Naoussa, Paros
Lynne lookbook white lace dress
Lynne holiday lookbook
Koufonisia island beaches and nature


  1. Two lovely dresses- both day and night. First, the polka dot dress with the blue accents look great along with the flip-flop/thong sandals. The long white dress is amazing as a dress that could easily transition from day to night. Nothing but love to you on this set of pictures.


  2. Predivne su slike, nadam se da si se lepo provela!

    Beba, www.bebagottel.com | Instagram | Facebook


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