Ok, to be honest, at the very beginning I will say that I tan really easy and quickly!:) I have a good pigment,
and this is crucial. But this year I've changed a bit the approach to the entire tanning process, as well as the maintenance of a lovely chocolate color. You may be wondering what is the result of all this? For
the first time I don't peel like a snake, which means that step by step and in a very good way I was getting my tan. Sun protection and tanning products that I purchased before the
holidays were a big hit, and they helped me to keep the color and feed
the skin with everything you need before, during and after the sun exposure!
See below which are these products and how I use them!
Ok, da se ne lazemo, odmah na pocetku cu reci da vrlo lako i brzo crnim!:) Imam dobar pigment, i to je presudno. Medjutim, ove godine sam malo promenila pristup citavom procesu suncanja, kao i odrzavanja preplanulog tena. Mozda se pitate koji je rezultat svega toga? Po prvi put se ne ljustim kao zmija, sto znaci da sam postepeno i na vrlo dobar nacin dobila preplanulu boju. A proizvodi za suncanje koje sam kupila pred odmor su bili pun pogodak, i umnogome su pomogli da odrzim ten i nahranim kozu svime sto je potrebno pre, u toku i nakon izlaganja suncu! Pogledajte u nastavku koji su to proizvodi i kako ih ja koristim!
These are the two basic sunscreen products, which I use on a daily basis, often several times a day. Piz Buin "Tan & Protect" is a light tan oil spray that has SPF 6 and a wonderful smell. The skin absorbs it quickly without leaving a greasy layer. I apply it several times a day.
Hawaiian Tropic "Silk hydration" face
cream (SPF 30) is most probably my favorite
product here!:) Beautiful tropical scent, functional transparent
bottle that shows the color of cream, which is actually a playful mix of
white and brownish. This cream provides long-lasting moisture (up to 12h); it's waterproof, oil-free and very easy to apply. What
is important- it doesn't look like I'm wearing the "white mask" on the face, which often happens when you apply the creams with higher SPF. "Silk hydration" cream
I was using even before the holiday as an integral part of my morning face routine, after
the ordinary face cream and before the makeup, and I will continue to use it!
Ovo su dva bazicna proizvoda za suncanje sa zastitnim faktorom koje koristim na svakodnevnoj bazi, cesto i vise puta dnevno. Piz Buin "Tan & Protect" ulje za suncanje u spreju sa zastitnim faktorom 6 je lagano ulje divnog mirisa, koje koza brzo upija, pritom ne ostavljajuci masne tragove. Nanosim ga vise puta dnevno.
Hawaiian Tropic "Silk hydration" krema za lice sa zastitnim faktorom 30 je vrlo moguce moj omiljeni proizvod ovde!:) Predivan tropski miris, funkcionalna providna bocica koja pokazuje boju kreme koja je zapravo razigrana mesavina bele i braonkaste. Ova kremica pruza dugotrajnu hidrataciju (i do 12h), vodootporna je, bez ulja ali se vrlo lako nanosi. Ono sto je bitno ne izgleda kao da nosim "belu masku" na licu koja je cesto propratni detalj kod krema sa visokim zastitnim faktorom. "Silk hydration" kremu sam i pre odmora nanosila kao sastavni deo jutarnje nege lica, nakon kreme za lice i pre mejkapa, i nastavicu da je koristim i nakon odmora!
This year I decided to pay much more attention when it comes to keeping my skin well moisturized during the holiday. Don't get me wrong, I've always done that- but I used the usual
lotions and body oils, and now I took something that belongs to a
specific group of "after sun products". I chose Garnier "Ambre solaire" body lotion with soothing aloe vera that provides long-lasting moisture and nourishes the skin after the sun exposure. This milk is more liquid than thick, and a very small amount is needed for the entire body. I
apply this after the evening shower when I get back from the beach (or
pool), and I noticed that my skin is finely nourished even in the morning
when I wake up.
Ove godine sam odlucila da povedem mnogo vise racuna o hidrataciji tela nakon suncanja. Nemojte me pogresno shvatiti, uvek sam to radila- s tim sto sam koristila uobicajene losione i ulja za telo, a sad sam uzela nesto sto specificno spada u grupu "proizvoda nakon suncanja". Izabrala sam Garnier "Ambre solaire" mleko za telo sa umirujucom aloja verom koje pruza dugotrajnu hidrataciju i hrani kozu nakon izlaganja suncu. Ovo mleko je prilicno tecno, te je vrlo mala kolicina potrebna za citavo telo. Ja ga nanosim nakon vecernjeg tusiranja, kada se vratim sa plaze (ili bazena), i primetila sam da je moja koza fino nahranjena cak i ujutru kada se probudim.
Here are two slightly different products. Both have (almost) no SPF, and are intended (simply said) to accelerate tanning! Garnier "Ambre Solaire" intensive tanning oil (bronzing oil) with the scent of coconut is used when you're already tanned. Although
it has SPF 2, that's not enough for the sun exposure,
so it's recommended to use it in the combination with stronger protective
factor. This oil is thicker, brownish in color and you should be careful when you wear clothes. I use this oil in the morning, before breakfast and going to the beach, but I let the skin to absorb the oil for 10min before I get dressed. Plus I use it during the last days of vacation, but after 4pm when the sun begins to wane...
Carroten "Gold shimmer tanning gel" is, as the name implies, shimmering gel with a beautiful coconut scent! It
contains everything that helps the process of tanning: carrot oil
and coconut oil, vitamins A and E, calendula extract and chrysanthemum. I use it whenever I want to add some shimmer to the certain body parts- shoulders, arms, legs; for example before a night out or when I feel "super chic" during
the day!:) But my favorite way of use is a bit strange- on
vacation I apply this gel instead of a face cream, for
several reasons. First- because it's shimmery so my face gets a pretty glow without a trace of makeup; second- because it smells great (this I should put in the first place, lol); and the third- because this gel formula meets the needs of my skin which sometimes can become dehydrated on the holiday...
Evo dva pomalo drugacija proizvoda. I jedan i drugi su (skoro) bez zastitnog faktora, i namenjeni su (prosto receno) ubrzanom dobijanju preplanule boje! Garnier "Ambre Solaire" ulje za intenzivno tamnjenje (bronzing oil) sa mirisom kokosa se koristi kad ste vec donekle preplanuli. Iako ima zastitni faktor 2, to je nedovoljno kod izlaganja suncu, tako da se preporucuje koriscenje u kombinaciji sa jacim zastitnim faktorom. Ovo ulje je gusce, braonkaste je boje i treba voditi racuna kod nosenja odece. Ja ovo ulje koristim ujutru, pre dorucka i odlaska na plazu, ali pustim da koza upije ulje dobrih 10min pre nego sto se obucem. Plus koristim ga i zadnjih dana odmora, ali nakon 16h kada sunce pocne da jenjava...
Carroten "Gold shimmer tanning gel" je, kao sto samo ime kaze, svetlucavi gel sa predivnim mirisom kokosa! Sadrzi sve ono sto potpomaze procesu tamnjenja: ulje sargarepe i kokosovo ulje, vitamine A i E, neven i ekstrakt hrizanteme. Ja ga koristim kad pozelim da mi odredjeni delovi tela svetlucaju- ramena, ruke, noge, npr. pre vecernjeg izlaska ili ako se osecam "super fensi" tokom dana!:) Ali moj omiljeni nacin upotrebe je pomalo cudan- naime na odmoru ja ovaj gel cesto nanosim umesto kreme za lice, iz vise razloga. Prvo- zato sto je svetlucav tako da moje lice dobija divan sjaj bez trunke sminke; drugo- zato sto sjajno mirise (ovo bi trebalo da stavim na prvo mesto, haha); i trece- zato sto sama formula gela odgovara potrebama moje koze koja ponekad na odmoru moze da postane blago dehidrirana...
All I know is... you are incredibly lovely. Great pictures of you in this cute bikini while also smiling sweetly and happily.