My current foundation is L'Oreal "True match" in Golden sand shade (D5-W5). Everyone is raving about this foundation, and I know this is one of the most adored drugstore picks. It's lightweight, covers nicely, blends well, it matches your skin color and texture, plus it has SPF 17! Even dough I'm a fan of more creamy and thicker foundations, I found this L'Oreal one to be a really good choice for the summer! Usually I'm mixing it with "True match" powder in the same shade (Golden sand), mostly for my T-zone and over the concealer to prevent its creasing!
Tecni puder koji trenutno koristim je L'Oreal "True match" u nijansi Golden sand (D5-W5). Svi nasiroko pricaju o ovom puderu, i znam da je jedan od omiljenih izbora u drogerijama. Podloga je lagana, fino pokriva, lepo se nanosi, prilagodjava se boji koze i teksturi, plus ima zastitni faktor 17! Iako sam ja licno ljubitelj kremastijih i donekle guscih tecnih pudera, pronasla sam da je ovaj iz L'Oreal-a odlican letnji izbor! Obicno ga kombinujem sa "True match" kamenim puderom u istoj nijansi (Golden sand), najvise da matiram T-zonu i da fiksiram korektor ispod ociju!
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