Almost every resort in Greece has its own main, so-called, "city beach", which is usually smaller
than the other beaches nearby, and it's always located near the center of
the resort. Parga, for example, has two city beaches: Krioneri and Piso Krioneri. They
are positioned next to each other (better to say one after the other,
hence the word "piso", which in Greek means: behind/in the back), divided by a rocky cliff. Piso Krioneri
beach is even smaller than Krioneri beach, and both are always crowded. I spent 5min on both beaches just to take some photos, 'cause (to be honest) city beaches rarely
attract me...
Skoro svako letovaliste u Grckoj ima svoju glavnu tj. narodski receno "gradsku plazu", koja je obicno manja od ostalih plaza u blizini, i uvek je locirana u blizini centra tog letovalista. Parga recimo ima dve gradske plaze: Krioneri i Piso Krioneri. One su smestene jedna do druge (bolje reci jedna iza druge, otuda i rec "piso" sto na grckom znaci pozadi/iza), samo ih deli jedna stenovita litica. Piso Krioneri plaza je cak manja od Krioneri plaze, i obe su uvek krcate. Ja se ni na jednoj nisam okupala, (da budem iskrena) gradske plaze me vrlo retko privlace...
Piso Krioneri
Prelepo mesto :))