There are specific moments in life that we all inevitably remember. Now I'm
taking into consideration only the nice ones (for bad ones I don't have any
more nerves nor time), and one of them is the famous prom night! We girls have (or we had) just one thing on our mind- to be the prettiest that evening, to stun everyone with our divine dress, high heels, cat-like walking, dancing,
flawless make-up, tan, manicured nails (unfortunately often there are wrong
results). I will not delve deeper into this subject because
my heart is broken by today's approach and understanding of young women
and girls when it comes to the mentioned things, and all thanks to the wrong influence of television and media "stars" (more on
this philosophy another time). Anyway what I wanted to talk about today are evening and special occasion dresses!
Postoje specificni trenuci u zivotu koje svi neminovno pamtimo. Uzimam u obzir samo one lepe (za lose nemam vise ni zivaca ni vremena), a jedan od njih je svakako i cuveno matursko vece! Bilo da je mala ili velika matura u pitanju, mi devojke samo jednu stvar imamo (ili smo imale) na umu- a to je da budemo najlepse te veceri, da zasenimo sve svojom bozanstvenom haljinom, visokim potpeticama, macijim hodom, igrom, besprekornom sminkom, tenom, manikiranim noktima (na zalost cesto su pogresni rezultati). Necu zalaziti dublje u ovu tematiku jer mi srce slama danasnji pristup i shvatanje koje mlade devojke i devojcice imaju kada su navedene stvari u pitanju, i to sve zahvaljujuci pogresnom uticaju televizijskih i medijskih "zvezda i zvezdica" (o citavoj ovoj filozofiji nekom drugom prilikom). Elem ono o cemu sam zelela da pricamo danas su svecane i vecernje haljine!
of you already know that dresses are my passion, and a favorite clothing piece, especially during the spring and summer days. Now imagine how easily one evening dress can make my heart beat fast! Long till the floor, mini and midi, body-hugging and mermaid form, with frills, with straps or without, and then
sequins, beads, fringes... hmmmm! Therefore, prom night is absolutely the perfect
opportunity to wear a special dress like this.
Mnogi od vas vec znaju da su haljine moja pasija, i
omiljeni odevni komad narocito tokom prolecnih i letnjih dana. E sad
mozete zamisliti koliko su mi svecane haljine bliske srcu! Duge do poda,
mini i midi, pripijene uz telo, sa volanima, na bretele ili bez, pa onda
sljokice, perlice, resice... hmmmm! Zato je matursko vece perfektna
prilika za nosenje jedne specijalne haljine.
every year, thanks to my tireless childlike spirit, I like to relive
the whole "graduation euphoria", as well as to explore with such a pleasure what the stores and brands have to offer for that night. That's how I found these Sherri Hill
dresses for this spring/summer that simply take your breath
away- there is not even one dress I wouldn't wear here! Whatever
your fashion taste is, I'm sure you'll find at least one dress that would make
you feel like a princess (which you already are, but it is necessary to
point that out!). Whether it's a prom or any other special
occasion, I hope my choice will give you some
inspirational idea. If nothing else- picture in the hands, and straight to the dressmaker!;)
Nekako svake godine, zahvaljujuci svom neumornom
detinjastom duhu, volim da iznova prozivljavam citavu tu "matursku euforiju",
te sa zadovoljstvom istrazujem ponudu garderobe prikladne za to vece.
Tako sam i pronasla ove Sherri Hill haljine za ovo prolece/leto koje naprosto oduzimaju dah- nema te haljine koju ja ne bih nosila ovde!
Bez obzira na vas modni ukus sigurna sam da mozete pronaci barem jednu
haljinu koja bi ucinila da se osecate kao princeza (sto vi vec i jeste,
ali je potrebno to naglasiti!). Bilo da je matura u pitanju ili neka
druga svecana prilika, nadam se da ce vam moj izbor dati poneku
inspirativnu ideju. Ako nista drugo- sliku u ruke pa kod snajderke!;)
Apsolutno su predivne :)