It's time for the nails of the week! Coral, my favorite shade for quite some time, is absolutely magnificent color which successfully balances between pink and orange. Isn't it wonderful it's so trendy this season as well?! I already got a pair of coral shoes and few tops/shirts, now we can rock some details!
Vreme je za nokte nedelje! Koralna, moja omiljena boja vec duze vreme, je apsolutno neodoljiva nijansa koja uspesno balansira izmedju pink i narandzaste. Nije li divno sto je u trendu i ove sezone?!! Vec sam nabavila koralne cipele i par topica/majcica u ovoj boji, sad mozemo da se igramo detaljima!!
ohhh gorgeous! i love the sparkle! very nice shade of color too!