Monday, April 1, 2013

Maybelline mascara: The Falsies feather-look

Maybelline The Falsies feather-look mascara

If there's some make-up thing I'm always more than willing to try, that would be: foundation, bronzer and especially mascara! Without mascara I don't go out of the house (if I don't wear it and I have to go somewhere- sunglasses solve the problem and cover everything!). My eyes are light, and only a thin layer of mascara makes them much more vivid, brighter and more open.
Till now I've tried a bunch of "budget mascaras" which are available to all of us- their prices are going up to some 10e. The last one that I bought, without expecting anything special, was Maybelline's "The Falsies feather-look" for the volume and so called "false lashes" effect. Each mascara created for any sort of dramatic look is the first on my list, so this wasn't such a hard choice.

Ako postoji neka make-up stvarcica koju sam uvek i vise nego voljna da isprobam, to su definitivno: puderi, bronzeri i narocito maskare! Bez maskare ne izlazim iz kuce (ako je pak ne nosim a recimo moram negde na brzinu da izadjem- naocare resavaju problem i sve uspesno pokrivaju!). Moje oci su svetle, i samo jedan tanak sloj maskare ih cini mnogo zivljim, bistrijim i otvorenijim.
Do sada sam isprobala bezbroj "budzet maskara"- ono sto nam je svima dostupno tj njihove cene se krecu do nekih 1000 dinara. Poslednja koju sam kupila, pritom ne ocekujuci nista specijalno, je Maybelline "The Falsies feather-look" za volumen i stvaranje tzv. efekta vestackih trepavica. Svaka maskara za postizanje dramaticnog efekta je prva na mojoj listi, te mi nije bilo tesko da se odlucim.

Maybelline The Falsies feather-look mascara wand brush
Maybelline The Falsies feather-look mascara review

At first I was a bit skeptical because I'm not a fan of big/bulky brushes for the volume (my motto is: the thinner brush the better!), but I was pleasantly surprised. Here are the pluses of this mascara in my opinion: 
easy application thanks to its flexible brush/ effect can be seen after the first layer/ pretty intense black color/ "wet" texture (extremely important because I hate hate dry mascaras! that's why one of Max Factor's "2000calorie" ended up in the garbage!)/ doesn't leave the lumps on eyelashes/ suitable both for day and night/ very cute packaging/ decent price
When it comes to some special cons, there are none. The only thing it would be more suitable for me is perhaps a thinner brush, but again this is just my preference. All in all: a very solid mascara!

U pocetku sam bila pomalo skepticna jer uopste nisam pristalica glomaznih cetkica za volumen (moja deviza je: sto tanja cetkica to bolja!), ali sam se prijatno iznenadila. Evo koji su plusevi ove maskare po mom misljenju:
lakoca nanosenja zahvaljujuci fleksibilnoj cetkici/ efekat se vidi vec nakon prvog sloja/ prilicno intenzivna crna boja/ "vlaznija" tekstura (izuzetno bitna stavka jer mrzim mrzim suve maskare!!! zato je jedna Max Factor-ova "2000calorie" zavrsila u djubretu!)/ ne ostavlja grudvice na trepavicama/ pogodna i za dan i za noc/ vrlo slatko pakovanje/ pristojna cena
Sto se tice nekih specijalnih minusa recimo da ih nema. Jedino sto bi meni vise pogodovalo je mozda tanja cetkica, ali opet to je samo moja preferencija. Sve u svemu: vrlo solidna maskara!

Maybelline maskara za oci The Falsies feather-look
best Maybelline mascaras


  1. Nice review, your eyes looks WOW... :)

    Much love <3

  2. meni se previse trosi, to bi joj nasla manu i ne traje bas nesto predugacko na trepuskama

  3. Uuuhhh I gotta buy that mascara. I have also a Falsies Mascara but is the Flared one, the brush is a bit curved. I love it so much! And the differences on your eyelashes are quite obvious!

  4. Gorgeous! Long lashes are my favorite. :)


  5. This is my favorite mascara!!! And you have gorgeous lashes, girl ;)

  6. pekné fotky :)
    podľa mňa ti špirála spravila krásne riasy !


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