Sometimes I "go nuts"; and I start trying on and combining some products for face cleansing and skin care. In
fact I'm pretending that I'm in a beauty salon and I perform the whole process of a "facial treatment", step by step. I
say sometimes because I usually don't have so much time, which is
probably a huge mistake because it is very healthy (for the body and
mind) to spoil yourself with some extra care, and not only sometimes but often! Here
is one such case, although a partial one, because usually my facial treatments
at home include waaaaaay more steps and products. So here's a short version!;)
Nekad me uhvati "ludilo" pa pocnem da isprobavam i kombinujem neke proizvode za ciscenje i negu lica. Zapravo pretvaram se da sam u kozmetickom salonu pa izvrsavam citav proces "tretmana lica", korak po korak. Kazem nekad jer obicno za to nemam toliko vremena, sto je verovatno ogromna greska jer je vrlo zdravo (i za telo i za duh) razmaziti sebe dodatnom negom, i to ne ponekad nego cesto! Evo jednog takvog primera, doduse delimicnog jer obicno moj tretman lica u kucnoj varijanti obuhvata mnogoooo vise koraka i proizvoda. Dakle evo skracene varijante!;)
1. Since I was home that day and I had no makeup on the face, I first cleansed my face with Pom Pon refreshing wipes. These wipes hydrate and restore sensitive and dry skin, and contain ceramides.
1. S obzirom da sam tog dana bila kuci i nisam imala sminku na licu, prvo sam fino ocistila lice osvezavajucim Pom Pon maramicama. Ove maramice hidriraju i obnavljaju osetljivu i suvu kozu lica, i sadrze ceramide.
2. Then I applied Balea "Enzyme peeling" (which I already mentioned in this post) with papaya enzyme and aloe vera. I left it on the face for 5min (then it acts as a mask) and then thoroughly washed.
2. Zatim sam nanela Balea "Enzimski piling" (koji sam vec spomenula u ovom postu) sa papaja enzimom i aloja verom. Ostavila sam ga na licu 5min (tada deluje kao maska) pa detaljno isprala.
3. Now comes the best part: face mask. This time I used Purederm "Cell illuminating multi-step treatment" face mask which is applied in two steps. First you should apply the serum which refreshes and lightens the skin and enhances the effect of the mask.
4. After that you apply the mask (called "Snail 3D mask"), which is actually a sheet mask- soaked fabric that covers the entire face. It
contains extract of the snail, which is an excellent tool in
the fight against skin aging because it tightens the skin. So you keep the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes,
then remove it; the serum that is still left on the surface of the skin should be well massaged into the skin and then you wash your face with warm water...
3. E sad nastupa najbolji deo: maska za lice. Ovoga puta sam koristila Purederm "Cell illuminating multi-step treatment" masku za lice koja se nanosi u dva koraka. Prvo se nanese serum koji osvezava i prosvetljuje kozu lica i pojacava dejstvo maske.
4. Nakon toga se nanosi sama maska (tzv. "Snail 3D mask"), sto je zapravo natopljena maramica tj. tkanina koja pokriva citavo lice (tzv. sheet mask). Ona sadrzi ekstrakt (sluzi) puza koji je odlicno sredstvo u borbi protiv starenja koze jer utice na zatezanje koze lica. Maska se drzi 15-20 minuta na licu, potom se ukloni, serum koji je jos ostao na povrsini koze se dobro umasira i potom se lice opere toplom vodom...
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