Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Diadermine LIFT+ day and night face creams (hydration + nutrition)

Diadermine LIFT+ hydration and LIFT+ nutrition anti-wrinkle day and night creams with pro-collagen

Recently, I promised myself that I will "try" (emphasis on try!) to keep the same face skincare routine during a certain period (month or two), which means to apply the same products every day and do the same steps and not to change it "depending on my mood"! So that means there should be a flow, a connection (can be that I'm working against myself because the planning and routine go against my nature, but it is a learning curve). This situation had become somewhat easier when I found two Diadermine creams (for day and night) that were sold together at "Hondos centre" on Crete...

Nedavno sam obecala sebi da cu "probati" (akcenat je na probati!) da se drzim iste nege lica tokom jednog odredjenog perioda (mesec ili dva), tj. da svakog dana primenjujem iste proizvode i iste korake a ne da variram kako mi se cefne! Dakle da postoji jedan tok, jedna povezanost (moze biti da radim protiv sebe jer su planiranje i rutina suprotni mojoj prirodi ali u pitanju je ucenje). Ta situacija mi je postala pomalo olaksana kada sam u "Hondos centru" na Kritu pronasla Diadermine kreme (za dan i noc) koje su se prodavale zajedno...

Diadermine LIFT+ hydration hydrating anti-wrinkle day cream with pro-collagen and ultra-hydrating complex

Diadermine "Lift+ Hydration" is a daily anti-wrinkle cream intended for normal, dry and very dry skin and supposedly best to use after the age of 30 (30 to 50). It contains pro-collagen, which provides lifting-effect and increases the elasticity of the skin, as well as ultra-hydrating complex for a deeper hydration. This cream I use in the morning, after cleansing my face and applying Venus Secret's "24-hour moisture aloe and panthenol serum" (about which I wrote here).

Diadermine "Lift+ Hydration" (hidrantna) dnevna krema protiv bora namenjena je normalnoj, suvoj i vrlo suvoj kozi i navodno najbolje je koristiti nakon 30-te godine (od 30 do 50). Sadrzi pro-kolagen koji pruza lifting-efekat i utice na povecanje elasticnosti koze, kao i ultra-hidrirajuci kompleks za dublju hidrataciju. Ovu kremu ja nanosim ujutru, nakon sto ocistim lice i nanesem Venus Secret's "24-casovni hidrantni serum sa alojom i pantenolom" (o kojem sam pisala ovde).

Diadermine LIFT+ nutrition nourishing anti-wrinkle night cream with pro-collagen and pro-lipids

Diadermine "Lift + Nutrition" is a nourishing anti-wrinkle night cream, designed for all skin types. This cream also contains pro-collagen, which helps in the fight against wrinkles and fine lines, as well as pro-lipids that deeply nourish the skin and affect its regeneration. I use this cream after Kiehl's "Midnight Recovery Concentrate"...
Diadermine "Lift+ Nutrition" je hranljiva nocna krema, takodje protiv bora, namenjena svim tipovima koze. I ova krema sadrzi pro-kolagen koji pomaze u borbi protiv bora i borica, ali i pro-lipide koji uticu na regeneraciju koze i izuzetno je hrane. Ja ovu kremu koristim nakon Kiehl's "Midnight Recovery Concentrate" seruma...

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