Church of Timios Stavros (To Μοναστήρι του Τιμίου
Σταυρού), or in translation the Church of the Holy Cross (it used to be a part of monastery),
is one of the most beautiful churches I've seen in the last few years! It
is located some 70 kilometers away from Trikala (Thessaly, Central Greece) in an
area known as Aspropotamos, between Krania and Doliana. It has 13 domes, and in its amazing architecture you can see the use of stone everywhere, even on the roof. It was built probably at the end of the 18th century (around 1770.), and restored twice so far. When
the Nazis during World War II (more precisely, in autumn 1943.) burned
almost the entire region, the church itself began to burn but luckily
it survived a flurry of fire without major catastrophic damage.
The pictures you see today I took last summer, when we spend 2 days in this region...
Crkva Timios Stavros (To Μοναστήρι του Τιμίου Σταυρού), odnosno Crkva Svetog Krsta (nekada je bila deo manastira), je jedna od najlepsih crkvi koje sam videla u poslednjih par godina! Nalazi se nekih 70-tak km od Trikale (Tesalija, centralna Grcka) u oblasti zvanoj Aspropotamos, izmedju mesta Krania i Doliana. Ima 13 kupola, a u arhitekturi je u potpunosti koriscen kamen. Sagradjena je najverovatnije krajem 18og veka (oko 1770.), i restaurirana dva puta do sada. Kada su Nacisti tokom II Svetskog rata (tacnije jeseni 1943.) spalili skoro citav region, crkva je i sama pocela da gori ali je srecom prezivela nalet vatre bez vecih katastrofalnih ostecenja.
Fotografije koje vidite danas sam uslikala proslog leta, kada smo proveli dva dana u ovom regionu...
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