Arrival of spring (ok, as well as the change of each season) definitely means a change in the makeup routine. When it comes to the shades of liquid foundation, all foundations that I use during the spring are for the medium complexion, and very often the shades are called "sand" (although there are no rules, it all depends on the brand).
Dolazak proleca (ok i promena svakog godisnjeg doba) definitivno znaci promenu u mejkap rutini. Kad su nijanse tecnih pudera u pitanju, svi puderi koje koristim tokom proleca su namenjeni "medium" tj srednje tamnom tenu, i vrlo cesto nose oznaku "sand" (mada nema pravila, sve zavisi od brenda).
Recently I got a couple of liquid foundations, and one of them is Rimmel's "Clean finish" foundation in Sand (330) shade, which is not really new on the market. Enriched with vitamins A and E, it supposedly offers "100% poreless" finish. It comes in a glass bottle of 30ml, and is applied with the help of small spatula. When you take the applicator out from the bottle, that amount of product is really enough for one application.
Nedavno sam nabavila par tecnih pudera, i jedan od njih je Rimmel-ov "Clean
finish" tecni puder u Sand (330) nijansi, koji zapravo i nije nov na
trzistu. Obogacen je vitaminima A i E, i navodno pruza "100% poreless"
zavrsnicu, odnosno umanjuje vidljivost pora za 100%. Dolazi u staklenoj
bocici od 30ml, i nanosi se uz pomoc male spatule. Kada izvucete aplikator iz bocice, kolicina koja se nalazi na cetkici je sasvim dovoljna za jedno nanosenje.
Foundation has a fairly dense texture, good coverage, but in my opinion is more suitable for the oily skin type. Here's an example: for my skin type which is more "normal with a tendency to
dry", in order to get an even finish and natural looking complexion, before using this foundation I must apply
richer and heavier face cream that helps the smearing of a product. Although the shade is super suitable, I think that "Clean finish" is not the best option for my skin type...
Puder je prilicno guste teksture, vrlo dobro
pokriva, ali je po mom
misljenju pogodniji je za masniji tip koze. Recimo mom tipu koze koji je
vise "normalan sa tendencijom ka suvom", vise prija da pre koriscenja
ovog pudera nanesem bogatiju i masniju kremu koja potpomaze razmazivanje
da bih dobila ujednacenu zavrsnicu i prirodniji izgled tena. Iako mi
nijansa potpuno odgovara mislim da "Clean finish" nije najbolja
varijanta za moj tip koze...
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