I've always loved bronzers and highlighters
such as Bobbi Brown "Shimmer Brick", probably
because of the variety of shimmering shades which make such a
beautiful visual entity! Given that the price of phenomenal BB "Shimmer Brick" is around $40, chances are that many people will opt for some cheaper options, so-called "dupe" products...
Oduvek su mi se dopadali bronzeri i hajlajteri kao sto je recimo Bobbi Brown "Shimmer brick", verovatno zbog raznovrsnosti svetlucavih nijansi koje zajedno cine predivnu vizuelnu celinu! S obzirom da je cena fenomenalnog BB "Shimmer brick"-a oko $40, sanse su da ce se mnogi odluciti za nesto povoljnije varijante, takozvane "dupe" proizvode...
One such product is "Shimmer Brick" from the brand called
Famous by Sue Moxley, which recommended one of my favorite makeup artists
Wayne Goss in one of his videos. Price of this product is around $5, and there are several shades to choose from.
Jedan od takvih proizvoda je "Shimmer brick" brenda Famous by Sue
Moxley, koji preporucuje i jedan od mojih omiljenih mejkap umetnika
Wayne Goss. Cena proizvoda je oko $5, i postoji nekoliko nijansi koje mozete izabrati.
I opted for the shade Light, because I think it's suitable for all seasons, not too dark nor too light. The
advantage of this product (now I generally speak about all "Shimmer Brick" options on the market) is that it can be used
as: blush, bronzer, highlighter, and even as an eyeshadow. Here's how I use it: the first two shades as highlighter, the following three
as blush or bronzer, and all shades are sometimes used as the eyeshadow (brighter for
the entire surface of the eyelid, darker for the crease)!
Ja sam se odlucila za nijansu Light, jer smatram da je pogodna tokom citave godine, ni previse tamna ni previse svetla. Prednost ovog proizvoda (sada pricam generalno za sve "Shimmer brick" varijante na trzistu) je sto se moze koristiti kao: rumenilo, bronzer, hajlajter, pa cak i kao senka za oci. Evo kako ga ja koristim:
prve dve nijanse kao hajlajter, sledece tri kao rumenilo ili bronzer, a sve
nijanse su ponekad koriscene kao senka za oci (svetlije za povrsinu citavog kapka,
tamnije za pregib)!
Wonderful palette!
can you show some swatches? :) I can't find anywhere in the internet...