Here it is- the second part of my Kala Nera diary. The first one you could see some time ago...
Last time I said something about the place and its surrounding region, and I left my opinion for this time. So in a few words Kala Nera is one lovely, small and calming place great for a relaxing vacation. Excellent for a weekend break. Very good for the families with small kids, older people, but absolutely not for the party and energetic types (regardless of age!) as it has nothing to offer- no clubs, no loud music, no typical nightlife.
I was both mentally and physically exhausted and I thought this place would be a perfect choice for me. And it was- for 4,5 days. After that I wanted to jump out of my own skin especially during the evenings, so the patience was a crucial part of the "survival kit". I guess the fact I was overtired can not be the excuse anymore- my hyperactive mind can stay calm just for a while....
Evo ga i drugi deo mog Kala Nera dnevnika. Prvi deo ste mogli videti pre izvesnog vremena...
Prosli put sam rekla nesto o samom mestu i njegovom okruzenju, a svoje misljenje sam ostavila za ovaj put. U par reci Kala Nera je jedno ljupko, malo i mirno mesto odlicno za relaksirajuci odmor ili vikend-odmor. Vrlo dobro za porodice sa malom decom, starije osobe, ali apsolutno ne za parti i energicne tipove (bez obzira na godiste!) jer nema sta da ponudi u tom slucaju- ni klubova, ni glasne muzike, ni tipicnog nocnog zivota.
Bila sam i mentalno i fizicki iscrpljena i pomislila sam da ce ovo mesto biti savrseno za mene. I bilo je- svega 4,5 dana! Nakon toga sam htela da iskocim iz sopstvene koze, te je strpljenje bilo krucijalni deo "pribora za prvu pomoc". Pretpostavljam da ne mogu predugo da koristim kao izgovor cinjenicu da sam preumorna- moj hiperaktivan um moze da miruje samo kratko vreme...
Always protect and nourish your skin!
Uvek zastitite i hranite vasu kozu!
really really old tree
zaista zaista staro drvo
floral beauty :)
cvetna lepota :)
tanning products I was using
proizvodi za suncanje koje sam koristila
neon nail polish
neon lak za nokte
<3 <3 <3
Lush vegetation in the garden of our villa...
Bujna vegetacija u dvoristu nase vile...
You are a beautiful lady, and these are some beautiful pictures. Looking wonderful here! Perhaps my favorite pictures are the "floral beauty" pictures.
Looks like you had a wonderful time out there!