Summer is the time when I don't "harass" my hair with the excessive drying, styling, coloring and similar "torturing". I leave the color as it is, because it always becomes visibly lighter in the contact with the sun. But after the hot summer and just before the cold fall season I like to renew the color, and I usually opt for the
richer and warmer tones, such as the chocolate hues, yummy yummy. That's
exactly what awaits me this week- surrendering to the skillful hands of my
hairdresser and enjoying the sweet change (I believe not so drastic one!), which is guaranteed by the hair painting and colorization.
And while we're waiting for the results, I've decided to share
with you few hair care products I've been using during the August...
Leto je vreme kada ne "maltretiram" svoju kosu preteranim susenjem, feniranjem, farbanjem i slicnim "torturama". Ostavljam boju takva kakva jeste, jer uvek postaje vidno svetlija u dodiru sa suncem. Ali zato nakon vrelog leta tj. pred sam pocetak hladne jeseni volim da obnovim boju, i obicno se odlucujem za bogatije i tople tonove kao sto su to cokoladne nijanse, njam njam. To je upravo ono sto me ceka ove nedelje- prepustanje vestim rukama moje frizerke i uzivanje u slatkoj promeni (verujem ne tako drasticnoj!) koja je zagarantovana farbanjem i kolorizacijom.
I dok cekamo rezultate, odlucila sam da podelim sa vama proizvode za negu kose koje sam koristila u toku avgusta meseca...
1. Timotei "Fresh & Strong" shampoo
New Timotei line with 0% parabens. This shampoo is for the normal hair, and it contains 100% natural extracts from the Alps plants. Great for a frequent use, especially during the summer.
2. Timotei "Intense Repair" conditioner
Currently my favorite conditioner, love everything about it!!! It comes from the already mentioned new Timotei line with 0% parabens. Designed for dry and tired hair, it contains 100% natural avocado oil! Smells divine!!
3. L'oreal "Studio Silk & Gloss" Hot Liss straightening cream
This cream is created for the use with straightening irons and hairdryers. It's enriched with Silk micro-fibres that give glossy shine and silky touch to the hair. I use the iron maybe once in a while, but I always use the hairdryer. For this reason, before drying I apply the cream to damp and detangled hair. Another plus is the anti-frizz effect.
4. Revlon "Velvet touch paddle brush"
I just got this detangling brush as I heard nice things about it. After taking the pics I used it, and I can say I'm glad to have it! Simple everyday brush for all hair lengths with flexible cushion base and soft touch handle.
5. Wooden comb
This comb is always in my bag! I use it absolutely every day as it calms down my "sometimes electrified" hair.
1. Timotei "Fresh & Strong" sampon
Nova Timotei linija sa 0% parabena. Ovaj sampon je namenjen normalnoj kosi, i sadrzi 100% prirodne ekstrakte alpskih biljaka. Odlican za cestu upotrebu, narocito tokom letnjeg perioda.
2. Timotei "Intense Repair" balzam
Trenutno moj omiljeni balzam, volim sve vezano za njega! Dolazi iz vec pomenute Timotei linije sa 0% parabena. Dizajniran za suvu i umornu kosu, sadrzi 100% prirodno ulje avokada. Mirise bozanstveno!!
3. L'oreal "Studio Silk & Gloss" Hot Liss krema za ispravljanje kose
Ova krema ima zastitno dejstvo prilikom upotrebe presa za kosu i fenova. Obogacena je svilenim mikro-cesticama koje daju sjaj i mekocu kosi. Ja koristim presu s vremena na vreme (i to mozda!), ali zato fen uvek mora da mi bude pri ruci. Iz tog razloga pre susenja fenom nanesem ovu kremu na vlaznu i rascesljanu kosu. Jos jedan plus je sto sprecava naknadno kovrdzanje.
4. Revlon "Velvet touch paddle brush"
Pre neki dan sam nabavila ovu cetku za rascesljavanje jer sam cula dobre stvari o njoj. Nakon fotografisanja
sam je otvorila, iskoristila, i mogu reci da mi je drago sto je imam. Jednostavna svakodnevna cetka za sve duzine kose sa fleksibilnim jastucicem i mekom drskom.
5. Drveni cesalj
Ovaj cesalj je uvek u mojoj tasni! Koristim ga apsolutno svaki dan jer uspesno smiruje moju ponekad naelektrisanu kosu.
CONFESSION TIME: I've never used the hair-extensions and I've been secretly desiring that for quite some time... So during this weekend I was checking the offer online and I stumbled upon one great site called "BestHairBuy" (! What a huge selection, even I got positively confused: clip in, tape in, Brazilian, micro loop... Different lengths, different colors and styles and what specifically caught my attention- everything is 100% human hair! Now that's a deal I like: natural yet trendy look achieved by blending with your own hair!
For example I liked 3 pieces mix in chocolate brown color which I found in the "22 inch hair weave" category! I think it would fit my hair texture: both straight and wavy!
Now it's your turn my dear, I want to know: do you use and love the hair-extensions? Is there something you would order from this site?
VREME ZA ISPOVEST: Nikada nisam koristila ekstenzije za kosu i vec duze vreme to potajno zelim... Zato sam preko vikenda proveravala ponudu na netu i nabasala sam na jedan sjajan sajt pod imenom "BestHairBuy" (! Kakav ogroman izbor, cak sam i ja ostala pozitivno zbunjena: sa klipovima, trakom, brazilska kosa, sa prstenom... Razlicite duzine, razlicite boje i stilovi, i ono sto je posebno privuklo moju paznju- sve je 100% prirodna ljudska kosa! Eto to je vec ponuda koju volim: prirodan ali trendy look postignut stapanjem sa sopstvenom kosom!
Recimo meni se svideo mix ekstenzija u cokoladno braon boji koji sam nasla u kategoriji "22 inch hair weave"! Mislim da bi odgovarao teksturi moje kose: ravna i talasasta u isto vreme!
Sad je na vas red drage moje, zelim da znam: jeste li pristalica ekstenzija, ili nadogradnje? Da li postoji nesto na ovom sajtu sto biste narucile?
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