Just across the famous Maria Theresa Square (Maria Theresien Platz) which you could read about here, is a marvelous Hofburg Palace. This former imperial palace is one of the most important historical symbols of Vienna, and also the place where the Habsburg dynasty rulers were living during the colder periods of the
year. So this was their winter residence, while Schönbrunn palace was their summer residence.
Odmah prekoputa čuvenog Trga Marije Terezije (Maria Theresien Platz) o kojem ste mogli pročitati ovde, nalazi se raskošna Hofburg palata. Nekadašnja carska palata je jedan od najbitnijih istorijskih simbola Beča, gde su tokom hladnijeg dela godine živeli pripadnici i vladari Habzburške dinastije. Dakle ovo im je bila zimska rezidencija, dok su kao letnju rezidenciju koristili Schönbrunn (Šenbrun) palatu.
Hofburn palace was built in the 13th century, yet reconstructed so many times. It
is considered one of the largest palace complexes in the whole world, and
consists of many gardens, squares, monuments and buildings (around 18
Hofburn palata je sagradjena u 13-om veku, i bezbroj puta do sada
rekonstruisana. Smatra se jednim od najvećih kompleksa palata u čitavom
svetu, i u svom sastavu ima brojne vrtove, dvorišta, trgove, spomenike i zgrade
(oko 18 krila)...
the most visited and most popular parts of the imperial palace are: the
Museum Sisi dedicated to temperamental and authentic Queen Elizabeth, Imperial Library
(today the National library), the Albertina, the Church of St. Augustine,
the Spanish Riding School, Amalienburg (Amalia is the oldest residence),
the Court treasury, National Theater (Burgtheater)... And today here is
the official residence and office of the President of Austria.
Medju najposećenijim i najpoznatijim delovima carske palate su: Muzej
Sisi posvećen temperamentnoj i autentičnoj kraljici Elizabeti, Carska biblioteka
(danas Nacionalna bibilioteka), Albertina, Crkva Svetog Avgustina, Španska škola jahanja, Amalienburg (Amalija je najstarija rezidencija), Dvorska riznica, Nacionalni teatar (Burgtheater)... A danas se ovde nalazi zvanična rezidencija i kancelarija predsednika Austrije.
Unfortunately detailed tour of the Hofburg Palace was not planned, so
we just passed through the main external parts and continued our
pedestrian tour. Luckily I always manage to take pictures of the most important...;)
Na svu žalost, detaljnije razgledanje Hofburg palate nije bilo
planirano, tako da smo samo prošli kroz glavne spoljašnje delove i
nastavili našu šetališnu turu. Srećom ja uvek uspem da uslikam
Las fotos son preciosas y un reportaje muy bueno. Desde luego Viena es una ciudad espectacular y Hofburg Palace hay que conocerlo!!!