Saturday, April 8, 2017

GFH Lifestyle #1

Black totes and bags and black sunglasses, fashion photos

The truth is that I love changes, I love refreshing the things, it's so important to keep the energy flowing. So I've decided to change my regular "glam & fab week" posts with "GFH Lifestyle". Practically everything will remain the same, a quick recap of the stuff that I've been publishing on the blog and Instagram, but with a more spontaneous approach and less pressure concerning dates. Generally less pressure regarding everything. I simply want to regain spontaneous and passionate approach I had from the beginning. I want to publish what honestly inspires me, and not what is trendy or what everybody is doing or or or... I'm opening the door again to the inspiration... And if you want to know more about these photos, check my Instagram!

Istina je da volim promene, da volim osvezavanje stvari, zato sto je bitno odrzavati neprekidan protok energije. Zato sam i odlucila da promenim regularne "glam & fab week" postove sa "GFH lifestyle" naslovom. Prakticno ce sve ostati isto, brz osvrt na sve ono sto sam objavljivala na blogu i Instagramu, ali sa spontanijim pristupom i manje pritiska sto se tice datuma. Generalno manje pritiska sto se tice svega. Prosto zelim da povratim spontani i strastveni pristup koji sam imala prema blogu od pocetka. Zelim da objavljujem ono sto me iskreno inspirise, a ne ono sto je trendi ili ono sto svi rade ili ili ili... Ponovo otvaram vrata inspiraciji... A vi ako zelite da znate malo vise o ovim slikama, sve detalje mozete pronaci na mom Instagram nalogu...

there is beauty in simplicity quote
Orange and beige chic looks
Sephora spring makeup haul
Sephora haul : A dash of spring freshness (see all products here / vidite sve proizvode ovde)
Lynne girl, Lynne φορέματα μπλούζες
Hello fashion Greece.D&G lingerie.Best fashion flatlays.
be the woman you needed as a girl quote
Spring drugstore lipsticks.Karmini za prolece.
Shopping Greek fashion:Anel,Fashion mark,EKellys,Fullah Sugah

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