First of all let me officially wish you the best year ever!:) May 2017 bring you health, love, peace, abundance in all areas of your life! I hope 2016 was a good year for you. For me, it was an exhausting one, a lot of "cleaning" and "getting rid" of all the things (and I really do mean all: people, things at home, clothes, makeup stuff, lifestyle choices, personality traits, coping mechanisms, behavior...) that stopped to serve me (maybe even a long time ago). That process is still going on, I'm tired, but things are clearer on the horizon... Anyway I'll keep you posted on that, but for now let me share some Instagram photos I was posting over the last 2-3 weeks (not too many- less is better sometimes, lol)...
Pre svega dopustite mi da vam pozelim najbolju godinu ikada!:) Neka vam 2017-ta donese zdravlje, ljubav, spokoj, izobilje u svim sferama vaseg zivota! Nadam se da je 2016-ta bila dobra godina za vas. Za mene je bila iscrpljujuca- puno "ciscenja" i potrebe da se "otarasim" svih stvari (i zaista mislim svih: ljudi, stvari u kuci, garderobe, sminke, zivotnih izbora, crta licnosti, nacina na koji se suocavam/borim sa stvarima, ponasanja...) koje su prestale da me sluze (mozda cak i davno). Taj proces i dalje traje, umorna sam, ali stvari izgledaju jasnije na horizontu... Kako god bicete u toku, ali hajde da sada podelim neke Instagram slike koje sam postavljala u protekle 2-3 nedelje (ne previse, ponekad je manje bolje, haha)...
One of my 2017 resolutions is to wear more coral!:)
Jedna od mojih odluka za 2017-tu je da vise nosim koralnu boju!:)
Shiseido "Full Lash Volume Mascara" | My 2016 favorite mascara (see here)
Shiseido "Full Lash Volume Mascara" | Moj omiljena maskara u 2016-oj (vidite ovde)
My Christmas tree (see home decoration here)
Moja Novogodisnja jelka (vidite dekoraciju doma ovde)
drinking coffee in Istanbul, at "Grand Bazaar"
ispijanje kafe u Istanbulu
Winter makeup: Nude/Neutral lips (see all here)
Zimski mejkap: Nude/Neutralne usne (vidite sve ovde)
Travel video | 48h in Budapest: Heroes' Square and around (see video here)
Travel video | 48h u Budimpesti: Trg Heroja i okolo (vidite video ovde)
in Budapest
u Budimpesti
Drugstore skincare haul | Great winter skincare staples (see all products here)
Proizvodi za negu koze iz drogerija (vidite sve proizvode ovde)
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