Tuesday, September 6, 2016

outfit: Blush linen dress

Blush apricot color maxi linen dress summer outfit
Linen is definitely one of my favorite materials (especially in the summer), primarily because it's so pleasant to wear. But when we wear linen clothes we have to be very careful because they're wrinkle-prone. Therefore, if you bother to look after a linen piece that you wear (and you were stubborn enough to put on a linen shirt/dress/pants), you have two choices: or make peace with the fact that sometimes you're gonna look like "the cow chew you" or simply start to carry the iron/steamer with you wherever you go...

Lan je definitivno jedan od mojih omiljenih materijala (narocito tokom leta), prvenstveno zato sto je vrlo prijatan za nosenje. Ali kada nosimo lanenu odecu moramo biti izuzetno pazljivi jer se lako guzva. Prema tome ako vas zamara da vodite racuna o lanenom komadu koji nosite (ali ste se nameracili da tako nesto obucete), imate dva izbora: ili se pomirite sa cinjenicom da cete ponekad izgledati "kao da vas je krava sazvakala" ili nosite peglu sa sobom gde god da krenete...

Panama straw hat and Ray-Ban sunglasses
Maxi haljina od lana u boji breskve outfit za letobest linen dresses summer outfit ideas
how to wear linen dress
Stradivarius tsanta.Stradivarius brown bag.Voi&Noi sandals.
blush linen dress | Stradivarius bag | Voi&Noi sandals | Ray-Ban sunglasses

1 comment

  1. I really adore this dress. Paired with the sandals and this hat, this is a wonderful outfit. Well styled yet again!



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