Sarakiniko beach is something that you must must muuuust
see if you ever visit Parga (if you've already been in Parga, I hope that you've visited this beach)! Ok, to be
honest, beach as a beach (although very finely organized) is nothing
special, but the color of the water is a fascinating, enchanting, mesmerizingly turquoise- just the way I love it!
beach is situated some 12km from Parga, and perhaps the easiest
way to get there is by the boat. The boat starts at 11am from the small yet cute port of Parga, and returns in the late afternoon hours...
Sarakiniko plaza je nesto sto morate morate morateeee videti ako se ikada nadjete u Pargi (ako ste vec bili u Pargi, nadam se da ste posetili ovu plazu)! Ok, da se ne lazemo, plaza kao plaza (iako vrlo fino organizovana) nije nista specijalno, ali boja vode je fascinantna, ocaravajuca, hipnotisuce tirkizna- hm bas onakva kakvu ja volim!
Sarakiniko plaza je udaljena nekih 12km od same Parge, a mozda je najlakse doci brodicem. Krece se u 11h iz male ali slatke luke Parge, a vraca se u kasnim podnevnim casovima...
p.s. If you are hungry and want to take a few bites (or to properly eat as a human being, lol) my recommendation is taverna "Agali". The staff is more than friendly (which is super important to me), and recently I haven't had better tuna salad!
p.s. Ako ogladnite i zelite nesto da gricnete (ili da se posteno najedete kao covek, haha) moja preporuka je taverna "Agali". Osoblje je i vise nego ljubazno (sto je meni jako bitno), a u skorije vreme nisam pojela bolju salatu od tunjevine!
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