Thursday, February 12, 2015

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree line: Special shampoo + Hair and scalp treatment

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special shampoo and Tea Tree hair and sculp treatment

If you have a "cold intolerance", perhaps I wouldn't recommend you Paul Mitchell "Tea Tree" line!:) That's why I was tempted whether I should use these shampoo and treatment during the winter period when I'm already freezing thanks to my chronically low basal body temperature... :)
But if you love the refreshing scent of peppermint, or for example shampoos that have certain kind of cooling effect, or that your scalp refreshingly "tingles" after shampooing- then this is without any doubt a fantastic line of products perfect for you!:)

Ako ste "intolerantni na hladnocu" mozda vam ne bih preporucila Paul Mitchell "Tea Tree" liniju!:) Zato sam ja i bila u iskusenju da li da ovaj sampon i tretman koristim tokom zime kada se ionako smrzavam zbog hronicno niske bazalne temperature tela...:)
Ali ako volite osvezavajuci miris peperminta, ili recimo sampone koji izazivaju osecaj rashladjenosti, ili da vam teme glave osvezavajuce "treperi" nakon samponiranja- onda je ova bez svake sumnje fantasticna linija proizvoda savrsena za vas!:)

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special shampoo review

"Tea Tree" special shampoo

"Tea tree special shampoo" has a very dense texture and a milky white color, and it comes in a plastic bottle of 300ml. It contains tea tree oil, peppermint and lavender. It exceptionally cleans the hair, giving it vitality and shine. The shampoo creates good foam, so very small amount is needed for one use.
I find that "Tea Tree" shampoo is great for oily hair and scalp, as well as for the treatment of dandruff! And I love using this shampoo during the hot summer days, 'cause it has such a cooling effect!

"Tea tree special shampoo" je sampon vrlo guste teksture i mlecno bele boje, i dolazi u plasticnoj bocici od 300ml. Sadrzi ulje cajevca, pepermint i lavandu. Izuzetno cisti kosu, dajuci joj vitalnost i sjaj. Sampon dobro peni te je potrebna mala kolicina za jednu upotrebu.
Pronalazim da je "Tea Tree" sampon sjajan za masnu kosu i kozu glave, kao i za tretiranje peruti! I zaista volim da koristim ovaj sampon tokom vrelih letnjih dana, zato sto ima sjajan efekat hladjenja!

Best shampoos for oily hair
Paul Mitchell Tea Tree hair and sculp treatment review

"Tea Tree" hair and scalp treatment

"Tea Tree hair and scalp treatment" has soothing and toning effect. White with green micro-granules, we can easily call it "hair/scalp exfoliating cream". I do not know how much it helps with dandruff, but with dry scalp which is irritated, as well as with the white flakes- the treatment has a very good effect!
Just like shampoo, this hair treatment also contains tea tree oil, peppermint and lavender extract. In addition, it has soy proteins and panthenol, vitamin E and shea-butter, which together deeply nourish the hair, while willow extract soothes irritated scalp.

"Tea Tree tretman za kosu i teme" ima umirujuce i tonirajuce dejstvo. Bele boje sa zelenim mikro-granulama, mozemo ga nazvati i "pilingom za teme/kosu". Ne znam koliko pomaze kod peruti, ali kod suvog temena koje je iritirano kao i kod pojave belih ljuspica ovaj tretman ima vrlo dobro dejstvo!
Kao i sampon, i tretman za kosu sadrzi ulje cajevca, pepermint i ekstrakt lavande. Pored toga, u svom sastavu ima i proteine soje, pantenol, vitamin E i shea-puter koji zajedno dubinski neguju kosu, dok ekstrakt vrbe umiruje iritirano teme. 

Best products for dandruff, sculp irritation and white flakes

What I do not like is that it doesn't say precisely how to use the "Tea Tree" treatment. It writes you should massage a small amount of the product into the areas of scalp and hair, you leave it for 3-5 minutes and then rinse. But what kind of hair: damp, dry?!
So here's how I use it! First I wet my hair, rub the treatment in circular motions into the mentioned areas, gently massage these parts, leave the treatment on the head for 5min, and then rinse well. Afterwards I continue with usual hair care products- shampoo and conditioner... 

Ono sto se meni ne dopada je to sto nigde ne pise precizno kako koristiti "Tea Tree" tretman. Pise da malu kolicinu proizvoda treba umasirati na podrucje temena i kose, ostaviti 3-5 minuta i potom isprati. Ali na kakvu kosu: vlaznu, suvu?!
Evo kako ga ja koristim! Prvo navlazim kosu, utrljam tretman kruznim pokretima na navedeno podrucje, blago izmasiram taj deo, ostavim tretman 5min na glavi, potom isperem. Nakon toga nastavljam sa uobicajenom negom tj samponom i balzamom...

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