I hate when I accidentally drop the compact powder/blush/bronzer/eye-shadow, and then it breaks into hundreds of pieces and turns into dust! Especially if it's my favorite bronzer or powder! Grrr, really irritating experience! Luckily I found a solution which helps me to return the product into a nearly-original condition! Plus
the same solution is good if you want to turn some makeup powder product
(like loose powder or powder eye shadow) into a solid matter! See below how you can do it!
Mrzim kada slucajno ispustim kompaktni puder/rumenilo/bronzer/senku za oci pa se razbiju u sto parcica ili se pretvore u prah! Narocito ako se recimo radi o omiljenom bronzeru ili puderu! Grrr, zaista iritirajuce iskustvo! Srecom nasla sam resenje koji mi pomaze da proizvod vratim u skoro-pa-pocetno stanje! Plus isto resenje je dobro i ako zelite da bilo koji makeup proizvod u prahu (npr. puder u prahu ili senku za oci u prahu) pretvorite u solidnu/cvrstu materiju! Pogledajte u nastavku kako!
You'll need // Bice vam potrebno:
1. broken makeup product // polomljeni mejkap proizvod
or loose makeup product // ili mejkap proizvod u prahu
2. makeup container // kutijica za odlaganje
3. rubbing alcohol // medicinski alkohol
4. paper towel // papirni ubrus
5. spoon or spatula // kasika ili spatula
Step 1: Completely transform the product into a powder, if it's not already in that condition. I used small ceramic spoon.
Korak 1: U potpunosti pretvorite proizvod u prah, ako vec nije u tom stanju. Ja sam se posluzila keramickom kasicicom.
I've personally had one broken compact powder in a
darker shade and one bronzer that was almost finished, so I decided to mix
them together! I put them in one of the original containers!
Ja sam licno imala jedan polomljeni kompaktni puder u tamnijoj nijansi i jedan bronzer koji sam skoro potrosila, tako da sam odlucila da ih spojim! Stavila sam ih u jednu od prvobitnih kutijica za odlaganje.
Optional: You can add some shimmering product if you don't
like matte effect, or you just want to create something for
evening occasions. I've added a shimmering shadow in light golden shade, which was also broken!
Opcionalno: mozete dodati i neki svetlucavi proizvod ako ne volite mat efekat, ili prosto zelite da kreirate nesto za vecernje prilike. Ja sam dodala svetlucavu senku u svetlo zlatnoj nijansi, koja je takodje bila polomljena!
Step 2: Add the rubbing alcohol (can be found in any pharmacy). Start with a small amount, and stir with a spoon or spatula.
Korak 2: Dodajte cist medicinski alkohol (mozete pronaci u svakoj apoteci). Krenite sa malom kolicinom, i mesajte sa kasicicom ili spatulom.
Step 3: Gradually add the alcohol until you get a creamy texture as in the picture, neither liquid nor solid! Stir well!
Korak 3: Postepeno dodajte alkohol sve dok ne dobijete kremastu masu kao na slici, dakle ni tecno ni cvrsto! Dobro promesajte!
Step 4: Flatten the surface of the product,
preferably with your fingers that you previously synthesized/disinfect!
Korak 4: Izravnjajte povrsinu proizvoda, najbolje svojim prstima koje ste prethodno sintetisali/dezinfikovali!
Step 5: Cover the product with clean paper towel and gently press it (by tapping) to remove excess alcohol!
Korak 5: Prekrijte proizvod cistim papirnim ubrusom i blago pritisnite (tapkajuci) kako biste uklonili visak alkohola!
Leave it to dry overnight! And that's all!! It takes less than 10min, and you are able to save perhaps the most favorite part of your makeup
collection! I hope that today's post was helpful!
Ostavite da se osusi preko noci! I to je sve!! Ni 10min nije bilo potrebno, a spasili ste mozda i omiljeni deo vase mejkap kolekcije! Nadam se da vam je danasnji post bio od pomoci!
hi dear, good job..
ReplyDeletei want to try to make it
That is great!! I always just have broken ones stand around somewhere..but this might help me out!