Saturday, September 6, 2014

Acheloides Hotel (Kalliroi) :: inside look + video

Acheloides Hotel, Kalliroi

The name of the hotel "Acheloides" comes from the mythical mermaids or better to say nymphs, who were born in the river of this region called Acheloos (also Achelous, Aspropotamos). Three sirens were very close to Persephone (the daughter of the god Zeus and Demeter; wife of Hades; queen of the underworld), and when the god of the underworld Hades kidnapped Persephone they turned into birds in order to find their loved friend...
The interior of the hotel is completely in the harmony with the external appearance. Rooms with wooden flooring that nostalgically creak when walking, traditional wooden furniture, fireplaces, hand-woven carpets and rugs give a true antique look, and the slightly dimmed lighting in the entire hotel adds to the romance and mysticism...

Ime hotela "Acheloides" potice od mitskih sirena iliti nimfi koje su rodjene u reci ovog predela koja se zove Acheloos (takodje Achelous, Aspropotamos). Tri sirene su bile vrlo bliske Persefoni (cerka boga Zevsa i Demetre; zena Hada; kraljica podzemnog sveta), i kada je bog podzemlja Had oteo Persefonu pretvorile su se u ptice ne bi li lakse pronasle svoju obozavanu prijateljicu...
Unutrasnjost hotela je u potpunom skladu sa spoljasnjim izgledom koji ste mogli videti u prethodnom postu. Sobe sa drvenim podovima koji nostalgicno skripucu kada hodate, tradicionalan drveni namestaj, kamini, rucno tkani tepisi i cilimi daju pravi starinski izgled, a prigusenost svetla u citavom hotelu pridodaje romantici i misticnosti... 

Acheloides Hotel
Acheloides Hotel, Kalliroi, Kalambaka
Acheloides Hotel, Kalliroi, Kalambaka, Aspropotamos
Acheloides Hotel, Kalliroi, Kalambaka, Aspropotamos, Trikala
Acheloides Hotel
Acheloides hotel videoΑχελωίδες ξενοδοχείο, Καλλιρρόη
Αχελωίδες ξενοδοχείο
Αχελωίδες Καλλιρρόη
Acheloides Hotel, Aspropotamos
Acheloides Hotel,Trikala

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