A characteristic feature of Mykonos island is the large number of churches and chapels. It is believed that after the Second World War there were as many chapels and churches as there are days in a year. Their number now reaches the figure of 600 (number 800 is also mentioned somewhere), while in the capital city, Chora, there are about 60. Some chapels are really old, but most of them are built in the last two centuries.
The most famous church, and also the most photographed one, is Panagia Paraportiani, located in Chora. Asymmetrically shaped and whitewashed, this church is made up of four
chapels, and only one chapel is open to visitors.
Its construction started in 1425 but wasn't completed until the 17th century...
Karakteristicno za ostrvo Mikonos je postojanje velikog broja crkvi i crkvica. Smatra se da je nakon II Svetskog rata ovde bilo toliko kapelica i crkvica koliko je i dana u jednoj godini. Njihov broj danas dostize cifru od preko 600 (negde se spominje i 800), dok u samom glavnom gradu, Hori, ima oko 60. Neke kapele su zaista stare, ali vecina njih je izgradjena u protekla dva veka.
Najpoznatija crkva, a ujedno i najfotografisanija, jeste Panagia Paraportiana koja se nalazi u Hori. Okrecena u belo i asimetricnog oblika, ova crkva se sastoji iz 4 kapele i samo jedna kapela je otvorena za posetioce. Njena gradnja je zapoceta 1425 ali nije dovrsena sve do 17-og veka...
"Bill & Coo hotel"
Megali Ammos
Panagia Paraportiani
Beautiful post my dear!