Here it is, my jewelry line, completely re-branded. I changed the name, designing style, logo, the whole vibe. Opened the Etsy shop. Until now I was mostly creating pieces for our shop, pieces that weren't exactly my style. Somewhere during the quarantine I started having new ideas, new inspiration. I made some pieces for myself, incorporated way more color, made them lightweight and playful but still chic. In one moment I knew I wanted to give another chance to these new designs and share them with the world. So here's the first part of the collection: necklaces/bracelets/anklets with some common themes: evil eye, mother of pearl, natural stone and pop of color. In another post I'll tell you more about the inspiration and will share the rest of collection.
Konacno je tu, moja linija nakita. Promenila sam ime, stil kreiranja, logo, citav vajb. Otvorila Etsy radnju. Do sada sam kreirala uglavnom komade za nasu radnju, nesto sto i nije bas bilo moj licni stil. Negde tokom karantina pocela sam da dobijam nove ideje, novu inspiraciju. Napravila sam neke komada za sebe, pocela da ih nosim, unela vise boje, ucinila ih laksim i razigranijim ali opet dovoljno chic. U jednom trenutku znala sam da zelim da pruzim jos jednu sansu novim dizajnima i da ih podelim sa svetom. Stoga vam danas predstavljam prvi deo kolekcije: ogrlice i narukvice za ruku i nogu sa zajednickim temema. U drugom postu recicu vam vise o inspiraciji i podelicu ostatak kolekcije...
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